Friday, July 17, 2015

tender is the night

so i was reading some quotes awhile back and came across this amazing one that stuck with me
it's so...accurate. so tender. we all have our moments where we're at our best. where everything is going right. your hair falls into place. your outfit is on point. your breath smells good. everything you're saying is charming and funny. the woman you're with (or you can role reverse, same diff) is in awe at your demeanor. you just got everything going for you... but that's not always going to be the case all the time. there will be rough patches ahead, guaranteed. i will become someone you won't be able to stand in certain moments, and vice versa. we will have our battles. as long as it can be overcome, we will come out stronger, together.

so the quote is to let you know, forget me not this moment. how you're feeling about me. how awestruck you are right now. i still am that man inside, regardless of the heat of the moment that we're in. we, i, can't be at my best 24/7. but my worst is still better than other's best.

it was only right that i searched out the book that the quote is from. Tender Is The Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald
it looks pretty long. 300+ pages i believe. i can't wait...

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