Friday, July 17, 2015

grinds my gears: Instagram

getting back into this. what Grinds My Gears today is Instagram

for the life of me, i just don't get it. i mean, i DO get it. i really do. but i really don't. first off, not everyone that owns a camera is a fuckin professional. secondly, not everyone is fuckin photogenic, you ugly fucks. i get it. you all wanna be fuckin Instagram models. get wifed up by some rich fucks to fuckin pop out some wedlock kids and live rich without working at the cost of your dignity and self-respect.

and these faggot ass guys that think they're God's gift to the world and women. half naked, steroid pumped, nasty ass looking fuckin weirdos. it's like a classic scenario of the ugly duckling turning "good looking", and i'm using that loosely.

BUT, at least those people have a purpose. what's with you normal fucks posting shit like it's worthy of even posting? don't get me wrong. alot of my friends have them. some wanna show off what they have, ate, bought, did, or just even looked like. i don't mind my friends because they don't post boisterous stuff. but others post is nothing relevant. nothing is intriguing nor useful.

now i had Instagram. i only used it to follow some random shit. only had 1 post but that shit went down the drain as i deactivated my account. just getting tired of people thinking they're worth shit when they're worthless shit. with exceptions of few, i hate the concept of Instagram.

"hey everybody, look at me!"

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