Friday, July 24, 2015

all for the M

as i stated earlier about my experience at the DMV. i tried to go what i thought was early at 11. had a decent time waiting, nothing unusual. i was given number 80 to be called on so i thought they were like on 70 something

they were on the late 60's. now i had to take my dad to the eye doctor about half an hr away. so i was gon wait it out, cutting it real close. by the time they got to 75, i ONLY had 30 minutes to pick him up and head over there. so fuck it, i left my place and was out and made it to the doctor on time. fuck that shit

i returned with my dad after his exam and proceed to start over in line. this time, they gave me number 26. and guess what number they were on? go ahead, guess. i'll wait... nope. uh uh. give up? they were on 1. number, fucking, 1. motherfuckers. what's even better, sarcastically, was there was a guy there when i was first there that was STILL there when i came back. like wtf?! did they just wanna tortured people like we got nothing better to do but wait around for required paperwork and documents that by law we must have and not our own free will? it should be fucking free in the first place, then MAYBE i wouldn't mind waiting. i ended up waiting there 2 hours. 2 fucking hours just to get called up. lets not forget the hour from earlier. this time i get called up, sent to 1 window, then sent to another, then back to the previous window. why can't one person do everything? or at least multiple windows instead of 1 window per situation. fucking ridiculous

and all this is for what?
for this.

this M on my license was worth the 3 hours wait, 3 days training at Rider Training NJ with some very good, thorough instructors, and 90+° weather. alot of stuff has changed in these past 4 months. some for good, some for bad. perseverance is the key because of all the changes that happened, this one is truly significant. i set out to earn something on my own and i did it. it may be meaningless to some, or trivial to others, but it's nice to feel i can still accomplish something without any doubts. i look forward to the day i can hit the open road...

finally got my motorcycle license!

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