Thursday, September 30, 2010

2 Eagles honored

so the NFL decided to pay some positive attention to QB Michael Vick by namin him the Offensive Player of the Month for September and rookie S Nate Allen for Defensive Rookie of the Month...
Vick is 54/89, 920 all-purpose yards and 6 TDs with 0 INT...with a QB ratin over 100 each of the last 2 hells yea he deserved it! :D

Allen has 11 tackles, 2 INTs, 1 sack, and 1 a rookie he plays extremely well and has the instinct of what could momentarily fill in the void of the great Brian Dawkins

R.I.P. Greg Giraldo

another good one, passed away while achievin their peak of success...why? i don't know...Greg Giraldo was/IS a very, very funny comedian. he came to my attention from all of the Comedy Central Roasts...very crude and hilarious with his materials. he was only 44 when he died yesterday...the comic world won't be the same without him
 R.I.P. Greg Giraldo

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

18 games...really?

was 16 not enough for players to get they wanna up it to 18? i swear i think it really comes down
to point blank: people don't wanna pay for preseason games so let's extend it to 18 regular season to make more revenues. the NFL just wants more money...for whatever reason. maybe it's due to all this salary cap bullshit or lockout or somethin...but i've been tryin FOREVER (since i became a fan) to get season tickets to the Philadelphia Eagles and i can't...cuz they're EXPENSIVO! that, plus season ticket holders won't cough em up - fags! ...then again i wouldn't either...ANYWHO!

18 games is ridiculous...we need the preasons, as borin as it is, to weed out the bad from the playmakers. offseason isn't enough...they need that real game interaction to get the swing of thing. yes, players can also get hurt durin the preseason too but hate to put it this way, but the big buck star players won't...or lessen their chances. the game is fine the way it is...stop fuckin with it you snobby rich fucks!

Monday, September 27, 2010

R.I.P. Rose Dawson

...or as Gloria Stuart as she would like to be call in real life. the lady that played Rose Dawson in the movie Titanic passed away @ the age of 100. wow...what an incredible journey that must've been. R.I.P.

tradition with a 2ft twist

so it's becomin a tradition that we ordered out food durin football Sundays...and this week, we decided to try Pizza Hut's Big Italy...ooohhhh-aaahhhh
yes, almost 2 feet it announces...and while technically true, that made me realized how small their mediums are. we had pepperoni, sausage and mushroom on it and while it was eye appealin...taste is, eh...ok? i mean it wasn't bad, nor was it like the sky opened up and angels sang down...lack of sufficent sauce so it was a tad didn't come in a box, only a paper bag. overall i'd give it a B-...that's why we usually stick with the local pizzeria...their large is heavier than the Big Italy...oh well

Sunday, September 26, 2010

did i mentioned i hate Fergie?

cuz i hate Fergie. she and Marc Anthony sang the National Anthem @ the Miami Dolphins vs New York Jets game and she. is. HORRIBLE! geezus...she tries so hard to be a decent singer...and she's garbage...her voice was even deeper than Marc Anthony. ugh

just hate her and her peein on herself self

must pick up!

Frank's RedHot hot sauce...AWESOME!

QB: Checked!

with the game won against the Jacksonville Jaguars, it seems like Andy Reid made the right quaterback decision by goin with Michael Vick

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Darkest Days - Porn Star Dancing RMX ft. Chad Kroeger, Ludacris

The Kolb Era: 9/12 - 9/12

yesterday, it was all over the Philly news station and NFL sites...BREAKING NEWS!

after 24 hours of statin that Kevin Kolb will be the starter for next week game against the Jacksonville Jaguars, coach Andy Reid appointed the job to Michael Vick.

hip-hip horray!!

i mean c'mon! it's obvious that this is the right decision...Kolb is not cut out to start, not yet...or at least not in Philly...the time is, and always will be, NOW with Eagles fans...and if Vick is our best option, then so be it. 5 for 10 and a concussion is not gonna help the for now, it begins the Vick Era!

Monday, September 20, 2010

when a win is not really a win

as the Philadelphia Eagles drawin near the end of the game with a 35-17 lead against the Detroit Lions...they somehow managed to let the Lions scored 2 TD AND a 2-point conversion...AND managed to let the on-side kick get away from them and almost let the win escaped...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

R.I.P. PB7

it was just only a month or so ago when a clerk @ 7-Eleven was tellin me stories about him. next thing i know, he's bein taken off life support. on September 13th, a friend and co-worker, Gary Forsythe, Jr., was the victim of a hit-and-run in Pennsauken/Merchantville, NJ. he was in ICU for most of the day and passed away 9:48pm on September 14th. a son and a father of 2, Jr. will be dearly missed for his unique personality and love for his family. his dad, Gary Forsythe, is also a co-worker of mine and i truly feel for him and my condolences are to him and his family. our prayers are with the Forsythe and may they get through this troublin time.

R.I.P. PB7

(Junior will be amongst another one of our fallen work brothers, Will Hart NJ8, who passed away over a year ago)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Flight Of The Conchords - Sugar Lumps

it's clearly not the 1960's anymore

as i tried to forget what could've happened - i can't shake the fact that it did happened. goin as far as to say my worst nightmares came true is kinda a stretched when it's really my anxieties and doubts about this young Philadelphia Eagles team that reared it's ugly head durin the 27-20 loss to the Green Bay Packers on Sunday afternoon. it's that feelin as i watch our "savior" QB Kevin Kolb gettin flushed out the pocket and runnin for his life all 1st half of the quarter and until hits him. and when i say it, i mean the LB Clay Matthews. it's an eerie similarity feelin that reminds me of how Donovan McNabb used to scrambled for his life to get away from the Dallas Cowboys' DE DeMarcus Ware or NT Jay Ratliff. but when they get hit...they get hit. but the difference is: McNabb tough it out; Kolb doesn't.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

random downloads


Jay-Z & Kanye West - Monster ft. Nicki Minaj, Rick Ross, Bon Iver - Kanye & Nicki killed this...sadly :(

Horseshoe G.A.N.G. - Fuckin With C.O.B. (Usher - Little Freak) - so ill...even over an r&b beat

please don't sue?

that's gonna be hard to flush...

...and that didn't even break the record!

4 months disappointment

as a sports fan, more so the Philadelphia Eagles fan...i bleed fuckin GREEN! so in return, i like to meet the players, go to game as much as i can when tickets are cheap because the tickets will damage my pockets, and occasionally buy Eagles stuff. so when i buy any merchandise, i'd like for them to be authentic as possible such as their helmets and jerseys. i already own a couple of authentic Eagles helmet and jerseys so when the opportunity to own the 1960 Championship Eagles kelly green jersey came up - i jumped on the pre-sell in May 2010; orderin a youth jersey for the wife of DE Trent Cole and an authentic jersey of LB Stewart Bradley. it took them, um...'til TODAY (September 9, 2010) to shipped it and sure enough, it was 2 jerseys in there...

now, of course i wouldn't have written this if everythin went smoothly. you see, the bad thing about bein i'm picky. i'll pay $ for quality shit because i expect quality shit. if i pay $ for shitty shit, then i'll accept shitty shit. so when i'm payin for a $275 authentic jersey...i EXPECT to get an authentic jersey - and here's the comparison to easily spot them:
the authentic (left) is more form fittin, more true to the player with the pads...while the replica (right) is looser, more flowin down for the fans who's not in "football shape". so what did i see when i fluffed out my jersey? THIS!

like mother fucker this isn't the fuckin authentic jersey that i ordered nor is it the one on the fuckin website! you're fuckin tryna get me for $175 for this shit because this is a fuckin REPLICA! LOOK @ the fuckin elastic! it even says ON FIELD...which is the replica version because the youth one is like that...while my original Brian Dawkins jersey says AUTHENTIC...MOTHERFUCKER! 4 fuckin months and this is what i get? 3 days before the fuckin game?! and you expect me to be ok?! i can't even get the corrected one even if i exchange it!!
...*sigh* the store rep was pretty helpful and understandin of the situation so he opened a ticket to see if that's how it's manufactured or if there was a mistake...another waitin game - we better fuckin win this Sunday, too, motherfuckers...

mark your calendar

Burn A Koran day is comin on September 11, 2010 - the day where a nation seeked lashes out against an entire nation of another culture and race...wait a minute, that idea was already done in the late 1930's by same random goof named Adolf Hitler. lol sorry Pastor Terry Jones!
apparently this schmuck feels that this will justfied the wrong doins from the individuals who were responsible for the 9-11 attacked on the World Trade Center? i guess by disrespectin an entire religious belief of the Muslim nation, i think Jones will revived the victims inside the towers! and then...purified our country by banishin/executin those with who's skin is on the non-fairer side of the color spectrum...and,, command that fu manchu mustache is the mandetory look for patriotic heroism!! YAY!!

Flight Of The Conchords - I'm Not Crying

i'm not crying
no, i'm not crying
and if i am crying, it's not because of you
it's because i'm thinking about a friend of mine you don't know who is dying
that's right, dying!
but these aren't tears of sadness because you're leaving me
i've just been cutting onions
i'm makin a lasagna...for one

Dwight Howard, "You are taller than me."

Kay Kellog was diagnosed with stage 3 multiple myeloma (very serious cancer) and the only thing she wanted to do on her bucket list was to meet her hero, the NBA Orlando Magic Dwight Howard. to keep things short, her daughter contacted the Magic and a few days later, Howard showed up @ Kellog's house. a meet that was scheduled for 30 minutes ended up bein nearly 2 hours.

you can read more on this @  Yahoo Sports

as tall as Dwight Howard is, that was a real down to earth effort

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


yes, it is random

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

one door closes, a crack in the window opens

that's how it looks in the NFL as players gettin cut left and right and picked up like that sayin: one's man trash is another man's treasure

-sure enough, the Arizona Cardinals's trash (not literally how i felt) projected startin QB Matt Leinhart was cut and picked up for 1 year by the Houston Texans
-poor ol' ex-Philadelphia Eagles WR Reggie Brown was cut from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers - can't say i'm surprised there
-3rd string QB of the San Francisco 49ers Nate Davis was cut due to head coach Mike Singletary havin frustration with the kid for his slow ability to pick up the playbook...maybe it has somethin to do with his dyslexia problem? sad though if he was cut due to that...(update 9/9/10: Davis has been placed on the Niners practice squad)
-Darrelle Revis of the New York Jets landed a huge deal in a 4 year contract where he's gonna get $46 million with $32 garaunteed...geeeez...i'm sure the organization is just glad he's back cuz they're sure not gon go far without him
-and not that anyone would care but the RB converted to a FB by the Eagles turned RB Charles Scott got picked up by the New York Giants on their practice squad
-WR T.J. Houshmandzadeh founded a home early with the Baltimore Ravens after bein let go by the Seattle Seahawks
-the disgruntled $100 million man DT Albert Haynesworth is rumored to be traded BACK to the Tennessee Titans where he originally came from - good ridance, bitch!
-the beloved/hated by Eagles fan QB Donovan McNabb vowed, VOWED to start for the Washington Redskins in the opener, despite an ankle - he never vowed with us :(
-the New England Patriots hurted WR Randy Moss's feelins or somethin because he said he felt, get this, UNWANTED! waahhh!! AND i like Moss too!

well - that's it in the world of the National Football League

UFC 118: boxing vs mma

that title was for the highly anticipated? fight between boxin great James Toney and UFC Hall Of Famer Randy Couture...but the main fight was the rematch between the champion Frankie Edgar vs BJ Penn

happy Labor Day...yesterday...yay!

hope it was good for i don't even know why i speak to everyone when everyone is really just one person


regardless if there's a week or 2 left of summer, Labor Day i guess feels like the last opportunity for a bbq, get-together, shin-dig, party, it's only right i went to the beach with the wife, my sister and our dog, Angel the stinky Shih Tzu. we went off the coast of Long Beach Island @ this harbor area...really nice, secluded (if you're willin to walk a bit) and low waves. we like to swim and throw some water toys around and for the 1st time, watch my dog swim!! it was awesome! she was scared for her life, but swam like a champ nevertheless. a word of advice: never leave food near a wet dog and always bring an extra EXTRA beach towel for them...because they will trample all over yours. ugh...regardless, we got their kinda mid day and stayed for a few hours and headed back

i guess i could say it was a great way to "end" our summer...hello autumn!! *waves*

the official 53...sorta

knowin the Philadelphia Eagles, they're always makin some changes...just recently they picked up DE Antwan Barnes from the Baltimore Ravens. supposedly, they been eyein him since the '07 but the Ravens picked him in the 4th round. now Barnes gets to be an Eagle and we gave up another 2011 draft pick...yay? but as the deadline approached, the Eagles made their cuts and not to my suprises, i was pretty close

me - Kolb, Vick, Kafka
pe - Kolb, Vick, Kafka

me - McCoy, Bell, Buckley, Weaver
pe - McCoy, Bell, Buckley, Weaver

me - Jackson, Maclin, Avant, Cooper, Baskett, Washington
pe - Jackson, Maclin, Avant, Cooper, Baskett

me - Celek, Harbor
pe - Celek, Harbor

me - Jackson, McGlynn
pe - Jackson (McGlynn is listed as a G but he did played C too so :-p)

me - Herremens, Andrews, Cole, Jean-Gilles, Wells
pe - Herremens, Cole, Jean-Gilles, Wells

me - Peters, Justice, Howard, Dunlap
pe - Peters, Justice, Howard, Dunlap

me - Patterson, Bunkley, Owens, Laws
pe - Petterson, Bunkley, Antonio Dixon, Laws

me - Cole, Graham, Parker, Te'o-Nesheim, Tapp
pe - Cole, Graham, Parker, Te'o-Nesheim, Tapp, Antwan Barnes

me - Samuels, Hobbs, Lindley, Patterson, Hanson
pe - Samuels, Hobbs, Lindley, Patterson, Hanson, Jorrick Calvin

me - Mikell, Allen, Coleman, Harris
pe - Mikell, Allen, Coleman

me - Bradley, Sims, Jordan, Gaither, Fokou, Clayton
pe - Bradley, Sims, Jordan, Gaither, Fokou, Clayton, Jamar Chaney

me - Akers, Rocca, Dorenbos
pe - Akers, Rocca, Dorenbos

players that got cut were: Jeff Owens, Chad Hall, Fenuki Tupou, A.Q. Shipley, Cornelius Ingram (called it! too injury prone), Dallas Reynolds, Victor Harris, Kelley Washington, Eric Moncur, Quintin Demps, Jordan Norwood (picked up on the practice squad of the Cleveland Browns)

LB Tracy White got traded to the New England Patriots and G Stacy Andrews got traded to the Seattle Seahawks (which by the way released WR T.J. Houshmandzadeh!)

i liked Hall and Mallett but weren't surprised they got cut...but Andrews, Harris, and Demps i'm EXCITED they did - boo and woo-hoo!!

on the brighter side, the Birds signed 8 to the practice squad includin: WR Chad Hall (yay!), RB Martell Mallett (yay!), DT Jeff Owens, C A.Q. Shipley, G Dallas Reynolds, and 3 new people TE Garret Mills, WR Jeremy Williams and S Chip Vaughn

nothin is garaunteed in the NFL

wow...1st Kim Kardashian, now the Heisman Trophy

Reggie Bush stay losin stuff...

accordin to, the New Orleans Saints runningback might/may/will be stripped of his Heisman Trophy that he won back in 2005
it seems that the NCAA is crackin down on the USC Trojans football program because they found some major violations within it so Bush was/could be ineligable to received it. damn...oh well

DAMN! T.I. coulda done better...

sorry but T.I.'s wife, Tiny Cottle, may be the nicest, sweetest person in the world but when they got busted for weed - their mugshot were HORRIBLE! well, just Tiny's
sorry but that's very disturbin...

it's ok, because i like chinese food

so Floyd Mayweather realized that he has too much money, and too much time on his hand so he decided to make a video for Manny Pacquiao. in it - he dissed Pacquiao about the fight that never happened, claimin that Pacquiao backed out/didn't wanna take a drug test. then Mayweather got classy with it and tell Manny that he'll beat his ass and Manny will served him dog fried rice afterward (actually i didn't watch the video but that's what the site i got it from said)

NOW i'm all for people sayin whatever they feel/want without the fear of hurtin someone's feelin but when i saw this video on, MediaTakeOut a popular black blog was kinda one-sided feelin. everytime there's somethin regardin Mayweather vs Pacquiao, it's always about Manny backin out when Dan Rafael of stated that:

"Early Thursday morning, Mayweather took to the Ustream site to launch a verbal assault on Pacquiao, the pound-for-pound king from the Philippines, whom Mayweather has refused to fight."

hmm...but my gripe is that Mayweather went back and apologized for sayin it...and expect shit to be all good when he bluntly made a stereotypical, racial remark of the misconception that Asian people eat dogs towards an Asian person. that, fellow non-asian people, is a racist comment. regardless if Floyd is racist or not, it was a disrespectful, racial comment. the thing is, if ANY other race dare to make a comment about black people this or that close to: fried chicken, collard greens, grape drink, watermelons, nappy hair - then Al Shaprton would fuckin march all up and down their residency all day and night.

the point is: this is 2010. every race should be held accountable for their words and actions. no race should have it taken lighter than another

Friday, September 3, 2010

don't blame the Jets...

...if you got cut and didn't make roster. as the Philadelphia Eagles lost to the New York Jets in a typical Philadelphia fashioned; which is havin a strong lead then blowin it by not bein able to score, at ALL! if it wasn't for rookie S Kurt Coleman returnin 2 fumbles for a touchdown, we woulda lost 21-3...even David Akers missed a 49 yarders!! HOW?! "supposedly" he's been knockin them through @ 60yards durin, whatever

as the Eagles' site and every other Eagles Nation website narrows their 53-man roster down to who's in and out - so shall I!!

ps: the Eagles already cut 10 players already: CB Geoff Pope, DE Pannell Egboh, DT Boo Robinson, OT Jeraill Mcculler, S Anthony Scirrotto, and RB J.J. Arrington and Martell Mallett

they also picked up veteran G Reggie Wells from, again, the Arizona Cardinals for a 2011 draft pick