Tuesday, September 7, 2010

it's ok, because i like chinese food

so Floyd Mayweather realized that he has too much money, and too much time on his hand so he decided to make a video for Manny Pacquiao. in it - he dissed Pacquiao about the fight that never happened, claimin that Pacquiao backed out/didn't wanna take a drug test. then Mayweather got classy with it and tell Manny that he'll beat his ass and Manny will served him dog fried rice afterward (actually i didn't watch the video but that's what the site i got it from said)

NOW i'm all for people sayin whatever they feel/want without the fear of hurtin someone's feelin but when i saw this video on, MediaTakeOut a popular black blog site...it was kinda one-sided feelin. everytime there's somethin regardin Mayweather vs Pacquiao, it's always about Manny backin out when Dan Rafael of ESPN.com stated that:

"Early Thursday morning, Mayweather took to the Ustream site to launch a verbal assault on Pacquiao, the pound-for-pound king from the Philippines, whom Mayweather has refused to fight."

hmm...but my gripe is that Mayweather went back and apologized for sayin it...and expect shit to be all good when he bluntly made a stereotypical, racial remark of the misconception that Asian people eat dogs towards an Asian person. that, fellow non-asian people, is a racist comment. regardless if Floyd is racist or not, it was a disrespectful, racial comment. the thing is, if ANY other race dare to make a comment about black people this or that close to: fried chicken, collard greens, grape drink, watermelons, nappy hair - then Al Shaprton would fuckin march all up and down their residency all day and night.

the point is: this is 2010. every race should be held accountable for their words and actions. no race should have it taken lighter than another

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