Sunday, August 26, 2012


at least in the Seattle Seahawks he is as they terminated his contract today
after his 1st dropped past last week...Terrell Owens doesn't seem to be able to hang on to his job. to make situation worse, WR Braylon Edwards seems to be ahead of him in the depth chart as well...oh well. TO did this to himself and only has him to blame. wonder if he's thinkin about that AFL debut again?

10 Birds got their wings clipped

it's that time again. the Philadelphia Eagles has to trim their 90 man roster down to 75 by Monday...and 53 by the end of the month. so they started early but lettin go 10 players so far

Birdfeed PSG3 vs Browns

-Birdfeed: just a Philadelphia Eagles game feedbacks, inputs, and random junks
-PreSeason Game3: vs Cleveland Browns

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Slaughterhouse - Welcome To Our House (tracklisting)

with the HIGHLY anticipated 2nd album from the supergroup, Slaughterhouse, set to drop August 28th! here's the tracklistins

note to self: Carmex

long-distance record holdin swimmer Diana Nyad was recently in the news for her swimmin voyage from the Key West in Florida to Cuba. the trip would take her around 100+ miles through storms and sharks infested water step closer to transparency

it's no myths that Asians, women especially for those who can help it, don't like bein dark. trust me, i know. you can tell by observin these older Asian women usin umbrellas durin a bright, hot day
or drivin with...arm, sleeves...cover?

another great Eagle retired

on August 16, former Pro-Bowl of the Philadelphia Eagles retired as an Eagle. LT Tra Thomas, played 10 seasons with the Eagles before injuries plagued him and was let go. after bouncin around a couple teams, Thomas found a home as an Eagle analyst on the local sports station and decided it was time to hang up #72 as an Eagle
Tra here with former offensive line, now defensive coordinator Juan Castillo and HC Andy Reid at the NovaCare Complex. it was an emotional time as Tra gave his speeche, rememberin him bein drafted in 1998 as the 1st draft pick of the Eagles, who had future Hall of Fame WR Randy Moss still on the board. with horrible lucks they've had in the past years with olinemen, Tra set out to prove otherwise and earned himself 3 Pro Bowl trips and an All-Pro honor. after credittin Juan and Andy for his development as a player and as a person, Tra will forever go down as the best LT the Eagles ever had

thanks for everythin Tra!

LOL gif

"Whenever I give my girlfriend oral sex"

i'd love to go rounds with Ronda Rousey

...and get my arm snapped off. like Sarah Kaufman almost did when she lost to Rowdy Ronda Rousey over the weekend as Ronda defended her championship title

MJD = Dwight Howard of NFL?

not really...but similar. before it was just a holdout for Maurice Jones-Drew. now the face of the franchise is open to be traded after his owner, Shahid Khan, openly commented about the situation by sayin, "Train's leaving the station. Run, get on it."
MJD led the league in rushin last year with 1,606 yards. now with 2 years left on his contract, he's holdin out to be the highest paid back in the league. with other big name runningbacks like Arian Foster, LeSean McCoy, Chris Johnson, Adrian Peterson, Stephen Jackson, and Marshawn Lynch gettin paid...i guess MJD wants to get paid more than that. even though i think he has lived up and more to his contract, this is not the way to do business. you sign a contract, agreein to it's terms and payments. regardless if you surpassed it or underachieve, unless stated so, you'll still get paid. however if a contract states that if you do well, we'll renegotiate or if you do poor, we can take our money back - then that's different. but if you got 2 more years left, why not just play it out? then you'll DEFINITELY have the rights and upper hand in any negotiations...especially if you perform well

i just don't see this endin well for the Jacksonville Jaquars. i mean, they weren't gonna go anywhere anyway but i have a feelin that the owner didn't get rich by givin into people's demands...

g'luck MJD!

Birdfeed PSG2 vs Patriots

-Birdfeed: just a Philadelphia Eagles game feedbacks, inputs, and random junks
-PreSeason Game2: vs New England Patriots

Monday, August 13, 2012

Chad Johnson NOT swimming with the fishes

per say...because as of yesterday, Chad Johnson has been cut by the Miami Dolphins, just a day or 2 after the incident with his wife
Johnson was charged with domestic violence for head-buttin his wife. he was later arrested and i believe has been released. Dolphins' head coach Joe Philbin stated in is interview that it was more so Chad not fittin in with what they were doin. but face it, no one wants an alleged wife abuser on their roster, especially since the commercial came out where NFL, NBA, and soccer and i think other sports (cuz i don't recognize them) talkin about you shouldn't hit your wife, girlfriend, or any females. well, guess Chad missed that commercial

i hope he finds a home. i like Chad...just made a mistake. plus i don't like his wife :-\

Saturday, August 11, 2012

it's official

Dwight Howard is now a member of the Los Angeles Lakers
joinin forces with Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol, Metta World Peace, and new veteran All-Star PG Steve Nash. this is sure a dominant roster...

Friday, August 10, 2012

even more Expendabl...ers..?

cuz now Sylvester Stallone is back to follow up with his The Expendables with The Expendables 2!! yes!
yes! it's back! better! bigger! and badder! if you couldn't tell, i'm bein sarcastic. i mean, don't get me wrong - i'm all for bad ass, gun totin, killin and blowin shit up...and i don't mind the 1st movie...but it obviously lacks the ingredients of a good movie. however, i still would watch it :) i mean, you have all my favorite 90's action heroes and pt. 2 should have MORE of my favorite 90's action heroes. here's the list:

-Sylvester Stallone
-Arnold Schwarzenegger
-Jason Statham
-Jet Li
-Bruce Willis
-Terry Crews
-Dolph Lundgren
-Randy Couture

new action heroes include: Chuck Norris and Liam Hemsworth with Jean-Claude Van-Damme as the main villain

Mickey Rourke couldn't make it back...but i think they have plenty to cover him

can't wait for explosions out the ass and bad actin!! :D

ewww...time for earplugs

a Yahoo! news article i just read was about a woman goin to a Shanghai hospital for an itch in her ear. doctors found a disturbin sight when they discovered that it was a SPIDER!
EWWW! supposedly it was livin in there for 5 days!! 5!!!! WTF!! they used some type of saline solution to flush it out without havin it burrowin deeper...UGH!!!

Superman has LA?

FINALLY! this whole trade talk, disgruntle situation with the Orlando Magic C Dwight Howard has finally come to a conclusion!
Superman will now be apart of the Los Angeles Lakers in a 4-way team trade. here's how it goes accordin to multiple sports sites such as ESPN and
-the Lakers get: Dwight Howard
-the Magic gets*: Aaron Afflalo (from Denver), Al Harrington (from Devner), Nikola Vucevic (from Philly), and Moe Harkless (1st rd rookie from Philly)
-the Denver Nuggets get: Andre Iguodala (from Philly)
-the Philadelphia Sixers get: Andrew Bynum (from LA), Jason Richardson (from Orlando)

*the Magic also gets:
"-future first-round pick from Philadelphia (with some protection, likely through the Lottery)
-2014 first-round pick from Denver (lower of Nuggets' two first-rounders that year; Denver also has New York's first-round pick from the Carmelo Anthony deal)
- 2017 first-round pick from the Lakers

this will DEFINITELY make LA an automatic West contender now that the lineup has Steve Nash, Metta World Peace, Kobe Bryant, and Pau Gasol (who was in the trade talk too but i guess Kobe prevented that)

wow...i gotta say that i don't think my Chicago Bulls will make much of a run with our MVP bein injured at least 'til half the season, if not whole. oh yr

Birdfeed PSG1 vs Steelers

hopefully i'll stick to this format...

-Birdfeed: just a Philadelphia Eagles game feedbacks, inputs, and random junks
-PreSeason Game1: vs Pittsburgh Steelers

Thursday, August 9, 2012


fuck the preseason part, this is a game to me!!
the Philadelphia Eagles is hostin the Pittsburgh Steelers tonight! right now!! and boy do the starters look bad. defense was decent, only givin up a field goal. however, that hit from DRC to Pittsburgh's backup QB and drew an unnecessary roughness but i didn't mind it. he was playin tough...but if someone would to do it to Michael Vick...well then he's just an asshole :D

sad day for Eagles Nation

4 days ago...i was scheduled to work on Sunday. listenin to sports radio 97.5 The Fanatic to feed my ears for breakfast, they broke the news of the Philadelphia Eagles' head coach Andy Reid not at camp/practice. next thing you know, emergency personnel were called in to Lehigh Valley campus. turned out that Andy's oldest son, Garrett Reid, was found dead in his room

Sunday, August 5, 2012

can we get back to football, plz?!

i'm so sick and tired of baseball and whatever else is on. after basketball, i don't care anymore!! it's all about the NFL! draft! free agents! ota! training camp! FOOTBALL!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

so, no more LeBron jokes?

he finally did it. LeBron James, beat the Oklahoma City Thunder...with the help of Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh, and the Miami Heat players i guess. but James did it...and he did it convincinly, too. kudos to him. respect when respect's due and LeBron James deserved it. he played his ass off...showin real heart and maturity towards the end of the season in that Game 6? i think...anywho - congrats!'s good to be back

well, it's not that i'm back...but more so i CHOSE to come back. actually, just been busy - but doesn't look like any activity popped off anyway! hmph! sike na, don't really matter - just enjoyin the ventilatin. so let me tryna catch up with this thing call...the 'innernet'