Wednesday, August 22, 2012 step closer to transparency

it's no myths that Asians, women especially for those who can help it, don't like bein dark. trust me, i know. you can tell by observin these older Asian women usin umbrellas durin a bright, hot day
or drivin with...arm, sleeves...cover?

see, the theory - or fact - is that Asian people, women, feels that bein light separates you class-wise from the darker tone Asians, who are looked at as lower class, or workin, laborer class. that's why so many of them use skin lightener cream or get surgeries for some type of skin peelin methods. that's why you get shit like this:

face matter how blonde you look or how blue your contacts are or how Americanized, unique your new English name is...the chinky eyes, big face, thick accents are there. who are you fuckin foolin? you know the sad part is that most Asian female have a stronger preference to bein with a guy or want their daughter to end up with white guys because they see white people as successful, better people. that's why you see so many white guys who otherwise would be virgins for life if it wasn't for prostitues and alcohols end up with decent lookin Asian chicks

now obviously, the Asian society has come along way from that and females are becomin more open minded; however, there are those that still follow this mindset - it's sad really. but back to my point - Asians have been findin ways to avoid becomin darker and fendin off their greatest enemy that caused their eyes to be chinky - the sun! so what's after coverin up your feet, hands, arms, and body? your face of course! and where's a better place to hide from the sun than usually at the beach!!
introducin the FACEKINI! ohh yeah - nothin like goin to the beach to check out those hot...hands...or outline of the overweight, out of shape Asian women that's covered head to toe like a bootleg luchador. sad really...then why go to the beach at all? swim in your bathtubs! ugh...this shit's annoyin me. it started out as a fun post then got really socially assaultin. oh well - just a point of view from a member of the Asian community. someone prove me wrong...

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