Saturday, August 4, 2012's good to be back

well, it's not that i'm back...but more so i CHOSE to come back. actually, just been busy - but doesn't look like any activity popped off anyway! hmph! sike na, don't really matter - just enjoyin the ventilatin. so let me tryna catch up with this thing call...the 'innernet'

1st thing first -  Jerry Sandusky
when your name appears first in the suggestion box on Google before Jerry Seinfield, you KNOW you're famous. unfortunately, this kids molestin, old fuck is known for some pedophile shit; therefore, should be in jail for the rest of his life and get rape constantly to see how he likes the turned table. sick fuck!

this is why we can't have anythin nice: James Holmes
it's not enough that the openin of Batman: Dark Knight Rises wasn't a big deal enough, this psychotic, deranged, social retarded lunatic decided to gun down innocent men, women and children that's tryna have a good time. i've said it before and i'll live by this: if you can't deal with life, end yours. i hate when these cowards take it out on those who has no involvements. what's worse is that just cuz he's this white kid who happened to be smart, every article have him "allegedly" shot someone and "believe" to be the motherfucker, he DID shot someone, ALOT of one, and he IS the fuckin shooter. fuck that memory loss bullshit - he bomb-rigged his apartment. death penalty - nuff sed!

2012 already has enough dark clouds surroundin it already with the whole end of the world shit...let's not make it worse. stories like a black teen was handcuff in the back of a police car was found dead due to a "suicide attempt" because cops failed to find a gun on him. WTF?! did he had some Inspector Gadget type of gun hidden in his socks? what's he some type of contortionist? or maybe it's just racial police crime cover-up? hmm... another story of a 50+yr old man shot a black neighbor because he knocked on his door and told the old man to stop callin his kids racial slur. what's worse is when police came knockin, he felt disturbed and said he "only shot an (n-word)". but not everythin is racially occurred. in Florida? an innocent door-to-door salesman was gun down as he went back to his car as the homeowner pulled up and question the salesman before shootin him twice, one in the head for no fuckin damn reason.

people are nuts out there...please be careful. leave the insanity at home because the world is tough enough. everyone's dealin with their own problems, we don't need yours. I don't need yours.

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