Sunday, August 9, 2015

when it hits too close to home

so i decided to watch a drama (i originally thought it was a comedy seeing who was in it). i decided to watch The Skeleton Twins starring Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader

i'm actually still watching it. it also stars Ty Burrell and Luke Wilson. SPOILER: Kristen's character was tryna off herself but got interrupted by a phone call from the hospital about her gay brother, Hader's character, failed suicide attempt. she then invited him to come live with her and her husband, Wilson's character. while Wilson is tryna accumulate himself around Hader and his personality by inviting him to work with him and such, Wiig was taking a scuba diving class to overcome i assume her fear of going under water? didn't pay much attention to the details honestly.

while Hader is dealing with his life spiraling out of control, he ran into his old closet gay lover, Burrell's character. their relationship and Burrell being in the closet is causing strained on Hader. he's tryna overcome his shortcomings of being a failed actor while trying to define his, i guess, purpose?

Wiig on the other hand is trying to sabotage her and husband's plan to have a baby while secretly having an affair with the scuba instructor. she ends up projecting her anger and guilt onto Hader, causing a rift between them. she's trying to depict a healthy, normal life to others while unraveling inside because she can't seem to control herself from messing things up like her future and marriage.

eventually things blew up. Wiig confessed to Wilson, and he ended up leaving. she blamed Hader for exposing the birth control out in the open. she ended up suggesting be should cut deeper regarding his suicide. that caused Hader to leave while Wiig tryna off herself, this time by tying herself to weights in the pool she was training in. of course, she ended up regretting during mid suicide and struggled to get free. Hader came in time due to a letter Wiig left and freed her. they ended up living together seemingly better off.

now - what got to me is that i was completely relating to what Wiig did and what happened between her and Wilson. he was the model husband but after a night out to get some drinks with the instructor, she slept with him. on multiple occasions afterwards as well. i really, really can't stand to think about that. it touches a part of me that i wish never to revisit. but the thing with this movie is it really covered most of the touchy subject. suicide. adultry. just life not turning out how you thought it would be. and it happens. they emphasized that those easy ways are not the answer. there are times when we make them but it has to be learned from and move on.

i'll never forget. but i have moved on.

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