Sunday, June 21, 2015

she's like the wind

so i forgot what store i was in today but this song came over the intercom. it was very familiar but i couldn't quite put my finger on it. the lyrics went like, "she's like the wind." pretty much that stood out alot. wasn't sure but then it hit me: Lumidee

Saturday, June 13, 2015

didn't know i needed this 'til now

so i'm a huge seafood lover. from shrimps, blue crabs, Alaskan crabs, stone crabs, king crabs, calamaris, octopuses, clams, conches, snails, mussels, scallops, and especially...CRAWFISHES!!

a wolf sighting...

Grey Wolf actually...Jordan 5 in May. yes, i know it's June. i am a bit late, ok?!

Vietnamese 101: banh uot

i have decided to post some authentic Vietnamese cuisines on here because i love it. and you uncultured swines don't know the difference. time to learn some real food, bitches!

banh uot. actual translation is wet cake (banh = cake, any type of bake goods. uot = wet). really it's rice flakes

this particular dish is from my local restaurant called Phu Khang. for a restaurant not in Philly, it's pretty damn good. anywho...this dish consist of thin flakey rice noodles. topped with cilantros, bean sprouts, basils, dried fried onions, and side with the traditional pork rolls, which is like our ham. this place added mini eggrolls on the side. you pour some homemade fish sauce, not traditional, on it. homemade fish sauce is a modified version of the traditional sauce, with more vinegar, sugar, lime, and for those like it spicy, peppers. to add extra flavors to the sauce, you add pickled carrots and daikons to add a crunch.

this version, you can get it with grilled meat instead of pork roll. or just plain rice flakes. but this is pretty much a standardized version. like your cheeseburger with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, mayo, and ketchup. anything else diverted from this is either Americanized or incorrect.

this is a great summer meal. light but fulfilling. refreshing and easy to eat. don't fuck it up!

Thursday, June 11, 2015


i am disappointed of how the recent event turned out. i thought i did everything right. i thought i was over that part of my life, but here i am finding myself back in it. i don't regret anything. only thing i feel is prolly how sorry i am to my friends and family. i am sorry that my dad was emotionally attached just as i was. he was so happy. he made that very clear. i am sorry i let him down. though he'll prolly never look at it that way, i know this isn't where or how he wanted me to end up.

i am sorry to my mom. she too was very attached. she cried when i broke the news. rightfully so. the future is now delayed and i know she is disappointed by that. she, like everyone else, has been very supportive. my uncle, is always steady. he took it with a calmness that is very stoic. i needed that. someone to hold it together while my mom was falling apart. he understands. as a man, you take care of your responsibilities. if things didn't work out, then so be it. you move on.

i am very sorry for my sister. at a very impressionable age, she lost an example. at hindsight i guess that wouldn't be the example i would want her to look up to. i spent so much time trying to form a bond just to have it disintegrated in a flash. i am glad i see alot of myself in her. she is a strong, young woman...not that i am a strong, young woman. i feel that she was like me younger, holding alot of feelings inside. not wanting to talk. i hope my experiences and influence on her will help draw out more sides of her because it will only benefit her in her future. i am very proud of her and hope she is of me.

lastly, i am sorry to all my good, great, close, best friends. they've been with me since before and since then. everyone that matters have open up themselves for me. i am lucky to get this opportunity to know them better, hanging out and having fun. i appreciate them alot, which is ironic because i used to not care about friends. but these are like lifelong brothers...i hope. you build a strong foundation so nothing can unearth your friendships. i am fortunate to call them friends, but more so that they call me a friend.

even though the disappointment will linger, i am not sorry for where i am today. i didn't do anything i regret. i can hold my head up higher than ever. there's nothing that can't be overcome and accomplish. disappointment is fuel for motivation, and i am highly motivated. i shall come out a better, stronger person. i am surrounded by great friends and a loving family. there's nothing i can't do.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

captain's log 692015

not really a log but more of a mushy puddle. prolly from all the watermelons i ate last night, which was alot. a Wendy's chicken salad with strawberries, bacon and honey roasted sunflower seeds for lunch

and 3 ribs over rice for dinner. yes, i eat ribs over rice. sue me! a plate full of melons for dessert equals to an orangey, tannish load that looks like someone's been stirring up the Alabama riverbed noodling

like Elmo says

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

blogging at 2am

it's one of my favorite time to write something. regardless of the blog's traffic, it is something that's used to get stuff off my chest. clear the mind. relax the body. free the soul.

cheesy, i know. but its like i'm talking virtually to a friend that doesn't judge and is always ready and open to listen to all the mundane shit i gotta say and rant about

Saturday, June 6, 2015

first order of business

i haven't been doing this for over a year so i'm not really sure about if the layout has always been this simple, easy for mobile/tablet user. either way, kudos, Blogger!

now in all seriousness, i need to address the crucial recent events that has happened.