Friday, November 26, 2010

a winnin bagged for me!

as Thanksgiving drawin to an end...people are out mobbin the stores for deals so they could get the "best" for less (what they really want is for practically nothin) because nothin like givin your love ones the best that they deserve! or whatever the store had for cheap, as the Black Friday tradition continues to become a day of careful plannin and plottin for the best camp spot and the quickest route to the electronics aisle. but to me, it's about togetherness

every year i look forward to it because now, my future in-laws embrace that Thanksgiving tradition. so this year was no different as i hold a 14" plate of turkey, dark and juicy white meats, collard greens, one of the best mac-n-cheese EVER, mashed potatoes and corn/string beans...ALL covered with gravy and i just sit there and ready to finish this plate so i can get 2nd...but when the time comes, i could barely eat a kernel

thanks my wonderful, talented girlfriend - she worked hard with the help of her mom - they both created an incredible meal...and i sit waitin for this day to be over so i could get myself a 2nd helpin. i'm not gon say it's cuz of the food that i felt i have me a winnin's just the whole effort and quality that she puts in. the wholesome all around characteristic that is her makes me feel that i'm on the right path in my life right now with the right person. and what's a plus is she can cook and sill looks good @ the same time, too :D

happy thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

end of the world!!

Yahoo! News posted on the front page that North Korea and South Korea has been exchangin fire. i think the North started it, no surprise there...cuz they told the South to stop some military drillin or some shit and they didn't, so a missle was in order

yea...2012 baby! wwiii is long overdue

go to Yahoo for more news

Monday, November 22, 2010

they got what they asked for

another breakin news from the NFL as Minnesota Vikings head coach Brad Childress now joins Wade Phillips as he was fired today durin mid-season after a horrific game against the Green Bay Packers yesterday
even as they activated WR Sidney Rice off the PUP list, they lost to Green Bay 31-3 and that pretty much sealed the fate for Childress, who's players and fans haven't been gettin along with and the owner had enough

oh well...defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier will step in as interm and he seems fit for the job - hopefully just not against us :D

when a win is a win

so as the Philadelphia Eagles go 7-3 with sole possession lead of the NFC didn't come as easy as it did last week. to make it short, we struggled, but we pulled it out - and it was a good defensive and offensive game. CB Asante Samuel picked off Eli Manning twice and recovered a fumble...we forced a total of 5 turnovers but coughed it up twice ourself. Michael Vick actually had his 1st turnover (fumble, no interception) and as he takeths, Samuel loseth as he fumbled his own interception on the return lol...(i wouldn't be laughin if we had lost *shakes fist*)

also - 0 sacks but RB LeSean McCoy got his 2nd 100-yard game and a TD and WR Jeremy Maclin crossed the century mark too i believe...there were some horrible dropped pass which were easily TD but it was one of those freaky days...specially since Jason Avant dropped a wide open, no coverage pass in the endzone...*sigh*'s ok though, again, cuz we won...they New York Giants held us to like 3-4 field goals but we ended up winnin 27-17

on an injury note, CB Ellis Hobbs got rocked bad and was immobilized for a good 11 minutes on the field durin a kick-off or punt return (i forgot) and got hit helmet-to-helmet. luckily today MRI and x-rays showed that it was negative on any broken bones or fractured and he is able to move everythin; however, he does have a neck injury/sprain due to a disc damaged...eek...i hope he'll be ok soon....besides that


there were some horrible ass calls by the refs, AGAIN! and none of any obvious holdin calls or late hit on the QB...yep! thanks refs for another OUTSTANDIN job of bein morons

Friday, November 19, 2010

what am i lookin at?'s an antimatter atom that was captured for more than one-tenth of a second. yep! i just see a firey circle and straight line...but that's what scientists see and they know what they're lookin @. that surely distiguish the scientists from the morons (ie: me)

yea...just thought i show it :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

WHAT A !@#$%^ GAME!

let's start off by sayin that nothin gets me goin than a sports rivalry. in any sports, you play it because you love it and you have a respect for those who play in it. football players and coaches shake hand and hug after fighters shows respect to each other after a match...people respectin people because @ the end of the day, everyone gets paid and no fatality occurs...and if someone does disrespect you, you handle it on a neutral ground as in the ring or the field

with that said - WHAT A FUCKIN GAME! Philadelphia Eagles - 59, Washington Redskins - 28

Monday, November 15, 2010

you know what else i saw?

yea...pretty disturbin movie. starrin Adrian Brody (King Kong, Predators) and Sarah Polley (Dawn Of The Dead) as two scientist who ended up creatin this creature from different animal DNAs and a female DNA after their original project was forced to be shut down. the creature growth was acceleratin faster than normal and the couple ended up losin control of Dren (Delphine Chaneac, The Pink Panther), NERD spelled backward

but it's the interaction of Dren and the couple that is disturbin...*shudders*...overall it was a good movie though. it had a mixture of comedy, drama, suspense/thriller, sci-fi, and horror...:D

50 minutes of hell for this

but it's worth it though!! :D needs to do a fuckin better job of trafficin the site because that refreshin/qued shit is retarded...but i'd rather wait and get it now before the JLU Parademons become ridiculously high and hard to find...w00t!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

just saw Jonah Hex

i gotta say - DC really keep on pushin cuz it wasn't half bad. i mean, i like Josh Brolin in No Country For Old Men, and i like how Megan Fox looks - and i like comic win-win-win! i gotta admit, i don't know much about Jonah Hex besides he's a disfigured bounty hunter who hunts bad guys...but turned out he has some ability to communicate with the dead by touchin them due to his near death experience. so he went out and hunt Quentin Turnbull (John Malkovich) for revenge...and succeeded, duh! so this is actually like Marvel's Ghost Rider devil, just Indians...and no flamin skull head, just a half disfigured face

overall the movie was good, horray for more comic movies!

i never knew it left

but apparently, it's back

i never had the "pleasure" of haddin a McRib from McDonalds but now that it's back, i had to try one. so i did...and (just my opinion) it's DELICIOUS! :D it's like, tender ribs, without...the bones! they should call it like the Boneless-ribmeatwich or somethin...who cares if it's processed or made from extinct creatures by-product, IT'S GOOD! i think i'll have another one today...thanks!

wow @ Big Red was even Bigger back then

this was Philadelphia Eagles head coach Andy Reid @ some pass, punt, and kick contest or somethin...he's HUGE. i don't know exactly what's goin on or why the ones behind him are like 8yr olds compare to him but still a vintage vid lol

edit: i don't know why the video is like that but THAT SUCKS!!!

Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito

7 times boxing champion Manny Pacquiao is facin probably his biggest sized opponent yet in Antonio Margarito. @ the weigh ins yesterday, Manny was about 6lbs less than the 150 Margarito. add that to the already height and reach disadvantages as well and it doesn't appear good. however, Manny and his legendary coach, Freddie Roach, seemed really confident and Roach even went as far as predictin an 8th or 6th round KO, i forgot...should be interestin though. Magarito came off an embarassin paused in his career after bein suspended for a year after he lost to Shane Mosley for usin a plaster substance on his gloves, which his trainer took the blame for. with that, i think it'd REALLY fueled him to win this even more...i have faith in Pacquiao but it wouldn't be wrong if i didn't have some doubt, especially against a fighter with somethin to prove

fight is tonight in the ever-lovin losin Dallas Cowboys stadium...oh boy!

Friday, November 12, 2010

need help internet browsers!

i am currently lookin for these Marvel Universe 3.75 figures:

Warpath (red variant)

Vision (transparent variant)

Black Widow (blonde variant)

Luke Cage (white shirt variant)

i haven't had ANY luck with these so please if anyone has them NewOnCard/MintInBox/MintOnCard please contact me...$ is obviously offered for them


i forgot to mention! :(

i met Philadelphia Eagles WR Jeremy Maclin i think on Halloween weekend in Delaware @ an autograph signin hosted by BCSports. i was late as shit but it was sad to see the line wasn't longer cuz i just went right in - waited a bit cuz BCSports had him signin like 10,000 Maclin jerseys. he was pretty cool though; shook his hands, too. the wife got to take a pic with him and he was nice. overall, i never had an awkward experience meetin any Eagles players...hope to do more of it!! C'MON DEFENSIVE LINEMENS!! :D
that's my football he's signin :D

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Disney Cuts

is not some behind the scene extra footage of any Disney movies. instead, it's about a Disney star, who checked herself into rehab for havin some mental issues that apparently too hard to handle when bein rich and famous and rich...and did i mention rich? and no, it's not Lindsay Lohan...or Brittany Spears...or soon-to-be Miley's Demi Lovato!! yay?!

well it seems that poor lil' ol Demi has too much to handle because bein on a fictional show doin fictional stuff gettin paid what oughta be fictional money but it's really real amount of money is such a hard life so Demi decides to be a cutter. i guess there've been speculations that she was a cutter due to several incidents where scars were seen @ her wrists but nothin ever concrete. 'til now when lil' poor Demi checked herself into some rehab shit cuz she couldn't take it anymore

oh my, i surely hopes she'll make it out ok and not have to deal with the easy, real world that awaits out there...maybe a new mansion or a new luxury car would help...or prolly a vacation on some exclusive area where only 5% of the world will ever actually be able to see in their lifetime. man, what limittin source of relaxation there are when you're rich...


Kanye West - Christion Dior Denim Flow ft. Pusha T, Big Sean, Lloyd Bank$, KiD CuDi, John Legend (i don't even know if John Legend is actually on it but that's what they said...oh well, everyone came correct...beat is awesome)

Lloyd Bank$ - Start It Up ft. Kanye West, Fabolous, Swizz Beatz (*sigh* where do i start - actually song is good, except for fuckin Swizz Beatz makin noises instead of who let you on? fuckin wack, useless take up space motherfucker)


Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, aka owner of Jerry World, aka Leatherface, fired head coach Wade Phillips after a horrific 45-7 lost to the Green Bay Packers on Sunday primetime game!

i'm not surprised by the decision, but i am surprised by the timin of really? in Week 9? but hey, i just hope the Boys ain't motivated or rejuvenated enough to beat us :D - still, i hate the Cowboys but never had a problem with, what do i know...i don't like Brad Childress though...  >:D

remember where you heard it 1st!!! cuz it's not here >_<

Philadelphia Eagles vs Indianapolis Refs?

that's what it seems like. some of the most ridiculous penalties against us, and not nearly enough against them. nevertheless, the Philadelphia Eagles managed to hold on to the lead as the beat the Indianapolis Colts 26-24

some notes:
-QB Michael Vick looked good comin back from nearly a month off after sustainin that rib cartilage injury; rushin and throwin...especially 0 INT
-he and WR DeSean Jackson linked up early to put the Eagles in an early lead with 10-0. Jackson also looked good as he seems to be fully recovered after that concussion
-and that drive wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for a 62-yard run set up by RB LeSean McCoy - AWESOME!
-even though QB Peyton Manning and his Colts had the lead @ the half and they seemed to be rallyin back down the field to score a field goal, DE Trent Cole and the defense did excellent in pressurin Manning and collapsin the o-line, forcin a fumble...BUT thanks to the ref, the play was nullified due to a brush against the helmet by Cole
-oh well, we still have CB Asante Samuel who scored his 2nd INT from Peyton with 8 seconds left to seal the win - HOO-RAH!!
on some injury note:
-rookie S Nate Allen took a hit and was out with a neck sprain. hopefully he'll recover soon...
-'til then, another rookie, Kurt Coleman took his place on Sunday and did pretty well...him and S Quintin Mikell collided with Colts WR Austin Collie and left him with a serious lookin concussion but luckily he was alert afterward and hopefully he'll be ok too

-Manning got sacked, THRICE! by LB Ernie Sims and DE Darryl Tapp and Trent Cole - woo-hoo!! :D
-also Vince Vaughn (Couples Retreat, Wedding Crasher) and Kevin James (King Of Queens, Grown Ups) were present @ the sideline...seems like they were Birds fan - lol Kevin James fell over the gate as he tried to climb back after shakin fans hands

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sheriff Peyton got even

as the Philadelphia Eagles prepare for The Sheriff Peyton Manning and his Indianapolis Colts to come into town, we 1st have to observe him as he gets revenge on the Houston Texans who defeated them 1st game of the regular season. Peyton was without the strong ground game of Joseph Addai, heavy air weapon of Dallas Clark and swift air weapon of Austin Collie. he still managed to relied on his 2 air assault weapon in Reggie Wayne and Pierre Garcon with the Clark sub, Jacob Tamme; Peyton had 2 TD and over 230+ yards, 0 INT. also involved in the win was Mike Hart and the injured Donald Brown and ended up finishin the game with 3rd string RB Javarris James. so regardless of how healthy or how much weapons the Colts lack - if Peyton Manning is startin, it'll never be an easy game...for us anyway
he's comin for us...

Monday, November 1, 2010

new era in hip-hop

2010...and even back to the mid 2000s, the face of hip-hop has changed from what you normally think of a hip-hop artist. whether it's a rapper, battler, or even just a fan of hip-hop...there's more to it than just the stereotypical appearances or redundant topics. so here to you, some newer faces to look out for

Iron Solomon

Soul Khan

Hollow Da Don




The Saurus

Dirtbag Dan

...more to come


well, had it 1st, but still! wow...they picked up Randy Moss only 4 weeks ago and granted he wasn't explosive as they would like...but the entire team isn't doin as well...even Adrain Peterson ain't doin as well...prolly only Percy Harvin but he's not gon be able to carry em...oh boy, what'll Brad Childress do now? how's the future down the road look for the Minnesota Vikings?

all i know is, i better see Brett Farve when they come to play the Philadelphia Eagles :D

scary Sunday

...not just because it was Halloween, but for the Philadelphia Eagles as they scope out their competition durin the bye week (yes, another Eagles related post even without a game :D)