Saturday, April 21, 2012

bein right isn't always a good thing

so sometime last week i was sharin a theory i had about women and men and their take on relationships as they get older
unfortunately for was true

i theorized that men and women all want the same thing, regardless of the individual's stand at the moment; the goal is the same: grow old with that special person who makes you whole. now, the tricky part is matchin up the timeline. see i feel that if you take 2 person meetin at the same age, say mid-teens, the girl will feel like she found 'The One' and this relationship is eternal. the guy will feel that it's great to have a girlfriend now, i'm lucky to have her...but somewhere in the back of his mind is the stereotypical mindset of a guy where he will always observe and study other females. that brings up the next stage where the girl's in her mid-20's and she's been maturin, been loved, gotten complimented and now filled with confident because she has grown into her body and receives more attention now. while the guy, he's too been maturin, been loved, and now filled with the need to settle down because whether he's been with 1 female or multiple, he just feels that the hunt is no longer fun and necessary (it may take him to the late 20's). therefore, he'll try to make it work in a relationship he's in or will be in...but the problem is the female will feel that she's at a point where she wants to test the water, see if the grass is greener. as a result, she wants to find out if she can do better and settlin down will cramp her new found view of life. that will cause a rift in the timeline since 1 wants a steady relationship while the other doesn't. it won't be 'til the female accomplished what she sets out to do or come into realization from the amount of disappointments from her quest that she'll want to find someone to settle down with. the problem with that is, depends on the male, he'll either be available, a little older, but will be on the same page as to what he wants in a relationship with the female so he'll settle with her without any real connection. or, the male could've been lookin for someone that is on the same page as he and won't be available for the right one to catch up to him; therefore, leavin him in a lacklustin relationship where they'll end up stayin together for the kids

as a result - you have women settlin down with guys who they barely know and won't treat em how they oughta be treated...and men bein with someone just to be with someone. hence, why people cheat. i don't know if this makes any sense but it's nothin personal - just puttin 2 and 2 together from information i've gathered

i hope i'm wrong

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