Tuesday, August 31, 2010

dwindlin down to 53...

as the Philadelphia Eagles prepare for Thursday night game against the New York Jets, they are also preparin to cut their 75 man roster down to 53. with 5 players gone already:

G - Greg Isdaner

G - Zipp Duncan

LB - Simoni Lawrence

S - Ryan Hamilton

WR - Jared Perry

...we also traded FB converted from RB Charles Scott
to the Arizona Cardinals for CB Jorrick Calvin
can't forget rookie DE Ricky Sapp gettin placed on IR for some knee issue, so in returned we picked up another DE, Pannel Egboh, from the Houston Texans
...can't wait to see what the Birds have in stored from now 'til September 12th!!

Suzuki: Japanese for "Problematic"

this car, 2005 Suzuki Verona has been nothin but problems...from the cheap hubcaps, defective tire sensors and now yesterday mornin, the key won't come out the ignition @ 7 in the mornin!!

my girlfriend's sister car (now) was bein moved by her dad so my girl can go to work...as i'm headin to my car, her dad asked me to help him get the key out. we both jiggled the key and shift gear and brake constantly but nothin worked. i looked online and sure enough, multiple results came up from people postin the same issue online about Suzuki. it turned out it's somethin about the shift gear not 100% in parked? so the ignition doesn't recognize it as park and won't spit out the key? so i had to jammed the shift gear all the way up and left to park and THEN it came out...

now i don't know if it's a manufacturin problem or is it the driver's fault for not fully puttin the car in park with the brake pressed down before yankin the key out...either way, i'm not surprised @ both..for personal reason. the bad part really is i was still sleepy and was lookin forward to drive home and sleep but yet i used my energy to get the damn car fixed...oh well, at least now i know to...


Monday, August 30, 2010

grinds my gears: homewreckers

...it's an epidemic in the celebrity world

Sunday, August 29, 2010

big jail time for Paris Hilton

wait, did i just typed that? must be a typo
of course i'm not posting this like it's new and i'm the 1st to have it - who cares really. this 2010 mugshot of Paris Hilton is of her arrest for posession of cocaine. yes folks, cocaine - the same shit Scarface did and the same shit regular folks get years of jail time for...but what was Paris's reaction to her arrested? "I'm not worried." nice! only rich fucks can get away with this..no, i mean, only rich fucks in CALIFORNIA can get away with this. 1st Lindsay Lohan and now this bitch. waste of skin and space fuckers...i'm just postin this to show how corrupt the justice system is out there. regardless if the cops doin their jobs, it's the judicial system that suck more than Paris



don't f with Viet Nam Tom

white guy beats up black guy on bus (YouTube)

white dude - 1
black dude - 0

sidebar: some guy from some viral site caught up with both the white guy and black guy. black guy said he'll fight the white guy again. white guy, they called him Viet Nam Tom, agreed to the fight and the median guy said he's friend with the owner or somethin of Strikeforce and was gon set up the match...we'll see

Friday, August 27, 2010


inside the 2-minute warnin, rookie QB Mike Kafka of the Philadelphia Eagles took over @ the 20-yard line with the 2nd/3rd string corps with the Eagles trailin the Kansas City Chiefs13-17. didn't look so good last week against the Cincinatti Bengals, Kafka hit TE Clay Harbor 2x, WR Riley Cooper and Hank Baskett to move the chain. a pass to WR Kelley Washington was dropped but made it up a few plays later for a 20+ yards catch near the redzone. somehow, Kafka managed to summon the 4th quarter comeback power of John Elway, Brett Farve and Peyton Manning to pump fake, got the Chiefs' safety to bit and hit Riley "Sunshine" Cooper for the winnin touchdown with 23 seconds left on the clock! a-maz-ing i tells ya...Kafka looked poised, calm, collected as he commanded the team. much better than last week but good as i expected. great game...@ 4th quarter

now - onto the 3 horrible quarters previously. if it wasn't for DE Trent Cole recoverin a Chiefs' fumble and puttin the Birds in the redzone, RB LeSean McCoy would prolly never scored that rushin TD. as much i like Shady, he needs to pick up the slack of Brian Westbrook...and plus, it was the presence of G Todd Herremens comin back and openin up that hole on the left side for Shady...but besides that run, the offense did nada, squat, zip - NOTHIN!! the mixture of Kevin Kolb and Michael Vick in @ QB really sucks...nothin was really fixed as the turnovers, penalties (by Jason Peters AGAIN!), and non-redzone scorin ability...*sigh*

...and that was just the KC Chiefs. next week is the #1 rankin defense last year, New York Jets. how you expect to score against them? luckily it's only preseason...


Monday, August 23, 2010

oh yea, the prodigal son of football has return

one of the greatest quarterback of our time has returned...to the Minnesota Vikings. QB Brett Farve has decided to come back for some unfinished business in the NFL. with the help of DE Jared Allen, K Ryan Longwell, and G Steve Hutchinson takin a trip to his Mississippi state and persuade/beg (whatever they wanna call it) Brett to come back. sure enough, same week he came to the Vikings last season, same week he returned this season - it's a sign i tells ya! the prodigal son has returned exactly 1 year after his first sightin...

to be honest, Brett Farve doesn't need to prove ANYTHING to ANYBODY. superbowls, mvps, pro-bowls, records after records - AND he's gon be 41 this season. he can do whatever the hell he wants to because he's Brett Farve and i enjoy watchin the Vikings play because of him
*-('-')-* gooooo Brett!! (just not against us)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

new hope for ex-Eagles

good ol' depressin ass Shawn Andrews landed a job as none other than the New York Giants...i hope our D rips through his fat, lazy ass

but on the good news of Philadelphia Eagles players we like...

running back Brian Westbrook landed a 1-year deal with the San Francisco 49ers...i doubt Westy will see many opportunity behind Frank Gore but i wish him the best! just not against us!

other Eagles that found a home is WR Kevin Jurovich joins Westy in San Fran, TE Martin Rucker with the Dallas Cowboys and LB Joe Mays to join Brian Dawkins @ the Denver Broncos

not this time, Akers...

even Philadelphia Eagles David Akers couldn't help us win over the 2nd preseason game against the Cincinatti Bengals. maybe if the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd string OFFENSE can score some touchdowns or even get near with the 40yards range maybe we'd have more than fuckin 9 points!! the Bengals completely dominated us in passing, rushing and quarterback pressure. the o-line looked atrocious on the 1st string as our savior, Kevin Kolb, managed to rush every throw near the endzone for what seems like a try-out game. oh, and thanks Jason Peters for losin us the only TD we had by Jason Avant for an illegal formation. 3 PRO-BOWL and you STILL fuck up! now...can't say the blame is ENTIRELY on you if fuckin Max Jean-Gilles don't line up right then you're looked @ to blame...either way, you have more experience and gets paid more so...STOP FUCKIN UP! Winston Justice did penalized us once too...so did Leonard Weaver. *S-FUCKIN-IGH!!!* like Chad Ochocinco said, "...it's only preason" - F THAT! get that shit straighten out!! and oh fuckin Michael Vick played like he just got outta jail airin out balls to the Bengals secondary all quarter long. and just when i was waitin to see Mike Kafka do well, this motherfucker tosses balls to no receivers in sight like it was a Nerf ball. fuckin beam that shit! regardless of Donovan McNabb's accuracy, he still beam the shit out the ball so you can't catch it if you were the defense if he hit the air or the ground...other notes: Jeremy Maclin has a contusion on his left arm after that catch, Joselio Hanson was feastin off T.O.'s dust as he caught a 40+yard pass from Carson Palmer, nice pick by corner Dimitri Patterson and safety Quintin Mikell, i don't know what happen but Trevard Lindley had a HORRIBLE tackle on the 2nd string RB and completely slid off him, and Brandon Graham had his 1st sack, if you could call it that...still don't see him pressurin any QB much :-\

go Eagles...yay...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Mystery Team on The Road to Shutter Island

finally got around to watchin some movies over the week and boy were they great selection...courtesy of moi. me and the wife went to Red Box (*shakes fist* damn you for makin me like $1 movie!) and picked up 2 movies...and while workin a slow and draggin week, i decided to pick up 2 more, 1 for myself mainly...overall: 3.5 movies were good...yes, 3 point 5 :)

15 points for David Akers

definately the unsung-hero of the Philadelphia Eagles. if it wasn't for him and his golden leg, i don't know how many games we would've won (ie: '09 vs Broncos)...with the Eagles' 1st string failin to scored in the red zones...it took Michael Vick and Martell Mallett to both rush in for the only TD of the preason opener against the Jacksonville Jaguars. granted we walked away with the 28-27 win but this can't keep happenin; relyin on David Akers to pull us through time after time. oh and don't get me started on Hoselio Hanson gettin burned on that one play that allowed the Jags to go like 50+ yards on us to a TD...tsk tsk...why is he still there? i don't know...eh, overall it was a B- game...if it wasn't for the awesome 2nd & 3rd stringers we'd be 0-1 in the preseason - yuck!

Friday, August 13, 2010

just a little recaps...

yes, i've been gone...but not to worry my few-to-none readers, i'm back (for now) to givin you some recaps of world events as if you relied on me the entire time i was gone for your fixation of pop culture and current events