Friday, August 27, 2010


inside the 2-minute warnin, rookie QB Mike Kafka of the Philadelphia Eagles took over @ the 20-yard line with the 2nd/3rd string corps with the Eagles trailin the Kansas City Chiefs13-17. didn't look so good last week against the Cincinatti Bengals, Kafka hit TE Clay Harbor 2x, WR Riley Cooper and Hank Baskett to move the chain. a pass to WR Kelley Washington was dropped but made it up a few plays later for a 20+ yards catch near the redzone. somehow, Kafka managed to summon the 4th quarter comeback power of John Elway, Brett Farve and Peyton Manning to pump fake, got the Chiefs' safety to bit and hit Riley "Sunshine" Cooper for the winnin touchdown with 23 seconds left on the clock! a-maz-ing i tells ya...Kafka looked poised, calm, collected as he commanded the team. much better than last week but good as i expected. great game...@ 4th quarter

now - onto the 3 horrible quarters previously. if it wasn't for DE Trent Cole recoverin a Chiefs' fumble and puttin the Birds in the redzone, RB LeSean McCoy would prolly never scored that rushin TD. as much i like Shady, he needs to pick up the slack of Brian Westbrook...and plus, it was the presence of G Todd Herremens comin back and openin up that hole on the left side for Shady...but besides that run, the offense did nada, squat, zip - NOTHIN!! the mixture of Kevin Kolb and Michael Vick in @ QB really sucks...nothin was really fixed as the turnovers, penalties (by Jason Peters AGAIN!), and non-redzone scorin ability...*sigh*

...and that was just the KC Chiefs. next week is the #1 rankin defense last year, New York Jets. how you expect to score against them? luckily it's only preseason...
