Saturday, October 31, 2015

happy Halloween

lol...squad goal, if i had a squad...*sigh*

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

speaking of the queen being back

Adele...25...can't wait to make a bulk purchase of tissues

Monday, October 26, 2015

too accurate

i showed my friend this but she didn't get it...prolly cuz she's wack and doesn't listen to The Weeknd

Sunday, October 25, 2015

thanks for the reminder, life

me: *wakes up & stretches* ugh fuck this morning workout. i'ma stay in bed
me: *looks at gut protruding* ...fuuuck!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

mood music: Hello

the queen is back. Adele has a new album, rightfully titled 25 (her age), releasing November 20, i believe. her 1st single along with a video, Hello, is up and sure touched a nerve. it pretty much about her reaching out to a past significant other that she had hurt. the video has the vibe of her hit, Rolling In The Deep. single tone color with artistic movements...if that made any sense. the song, she's. ..i feel like it's something i needed to hear. something that would bring me closure. it feels like it's what been if she's singing it to me.

-thank you

hello from the other side
i must've called a thousand times
to tell you i'm sorry, for everything that i've done
but when i call you never seem to be home

hello from the outside
at least i can say that i've tried
to tell you i'm sorry for breaking your heart
but it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart

Friday, October 23, 2015

food for thought

any car can be a self driving car if you're brave enough

the masked Rose

geez, these titles are getting worse and worse. anywho. Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls is hopeful to play in the preseason finale against the Dallas Mavericks. Rose, suffered an orbital fracture during the offseason practice, is now wearing a clear mask to protect his face. similar to those of the past but more relatable, the ex-Bulls Rip Hamilton
i strongly feel that he should play even if it's for a quarter. you need that contact, that speed, that game mindset to set in if you wanna be ready for the overrated shitty Cleveland Cavaliers on opening night. let's hope for a strong run and a healthy DRose

stupid! stupid! stupid!

god, i wouldn't think that even at this age i would be capable of doing cringeworthy shit...yet here i am. looking back at my vulnerable moments at my low points. ..talking Wonderwall this, Wonderwall that...blech! get a fucking grip! fuckin pathetic! ironically, i don't, didn't even feel that way. it was during a fraility in my life that allowed me to succumbed to such foolishness. luckily, nothing happened. just my mind blowing things outta proportions

not many knows this blog...kinda wish someone does that'll be able to slap me if i ever do some dumb shit like that again. i hope i have learned my lesson. my priorities are in order. like Tupac Shakur says, "M.O.B."

Saturday, October 17, 2015

i'm not a college football fan but...

made me thought of and made this
Oklahoma Sooners beating the shit outta Kansas State Wildcats...via The Simpsons

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

2 different spectrum of life in 1 sitting

i'm usually on WorldStar Hip-Hop for mindless fun or music videos from artists worth listening. today i saw 2 videos that affected me in 2 different aspects of my life. it's amazing...i hope these turn out right. i usually can post the vid but WSHH doesn't have an embedded version on mobile. anywho...

a husband surprised his wife with a vacation for her birthday even though she thought they were just staying local. she seems to have no problem with the staycation but her reaction was just priceless. it makes me extremely happy and satisfied to see a man doing something wonderful for his woman. bringing her to tears of joy. that's how you treat your lady. i appreciate and respect a man like that. it is truly a rarity
on the other hand, this video:

it shows a man confronting his fiancé of her infidelity in front of her parents. beforehand, he confirmed with her that he loves her and won't cheat on her. she reiterated the same. yet a video of what sounds like the fiancé being unfaithful is played out loud and all she seems to focused on was why was he doing this in front of the parents. clearly she's turning the attention on the exposure instead of her actual deed. she even claimed that what he's doing was wrong...

he eventually told her to pack her shit and go...rightfully so. i don't agree with the parents part because it should be handled between them 2. i whole heartedly understand tho...

i know there's a lot of bad men out there who treats their significant others like shit. but there are equal amount of unfaithful women, too. if you're grown enough to cheat, be grown enough to let it be known and accept the consequences. we all need to grow as human beings and being considerate to others is the first step. put your selfishness aside...or not. whatever, i don't care. i'm just some random guy

Monday, October 12, 2015

there's a reason blonde jokes exist

relaying off the last post about P.J. Whelihan's...

i had a repair job there. showed up (just in case, P.J. is a bar, pretty decent one, too. never had their regulars but their wings are famous) to the podium with my big tool belt on around my waist, jeans, t-shirt, and work boots and spoke to the blonde hostess

me: hi, can i speak to your manager?
blonde: *tilts her head sideways sorta like when you say something to a dog* you need a job application?
me: ...
me: *thinking to myself* bitch, i just got paid more than you for the day just from this interaction we just had. why the fuck would someone with tools on them look for a job when it's clearly obvious that i'm working?
me: i'm here to fix your service

i know places like bars and restaurants hire pretty face, big titted chicks, mostly blondes to greet customers and all but c'mon. hire someone with at least some common sense or do their job and get the manager like i asked. and this is no way putting down hostesses or blondes, etc. it's just the experience doesn't really help the stereotypes of the person and type of establishments. i haven't stepped foot into there again, only their other locations

new tradition

i'm not superstitious but i do do (hehe doodoo) stuff/wear clothes a certain way when the Philadelphia Eagles wins. so this Sunday was the 1st when they actually looked good for 3 quarters...unlike their 1st win. and this was how i stared off the day for the game vs the New Orleans Saints
the Eagles (winning), xl Domino's deluxe with extra sauce, 15 (outta 30) P.J. Whelihan's hot-and-honey wings, and a cold Not Your Father's Root Beer is the recipe for a successful game

Sunday, October 11, 2015

i love my Dad

even at his older age he still likes experiencing new things, having fun while doing so
this tiny, Asian man will haunt your dreams. if not the face then the sweats and his signature fanny pack shall. he gives 0 fucks what anyone thinks. it's ironic when i was little i wanted to go to the mall without my parents. nowadays i wanna take them places and experience different, new things that they wouldn't be able to themselves. our time with them are limited, and i understand that. most don't. i would sacrifice my own time for my parents if they need anything. i'm still selfish at times, we all are. but majority of the time, family is priority

Saturday, October 10, 2015

typical IG'ers

i find shit like this hilarious. pic consist of half face, half tits. had a kid at 16...smh. 23 years

Monday, October 5, 2015

the nerve of people

was browsing the feed and saw this dude with 'tattoo' in his username, like, example: jimthetattooman

except...he only has 2. i guess i should be dr. sebastian since i did picked a splinter out all by myself. no anesthesia needed

Sunday, October 4, 2015

so...we got a bunny

our dog died last year. my sister's been begging for a new dog but despite being an adult, she's still a fucking idiot kid. and an idiot kid won't take care of a live creature properly. that's why if she does get 1, my mom would be the one taking care of it. but somehow she came home from work with a a bunny. a baby bunny that she found on the sidewalk near her job

Saturday, October 3, 2015

i love my people

they never ceased to amazed me. a third world country with so, so much to offer. from culinary to agriculture to music and sports and all around a great country full of colorful individuals

i came across this video via Caveman Circus and it showed me how Vietnamese people usually are. buncha friends with good food and drink. someone happens to have a guitar and started strumming. that lead to a beautiful session of an acoustic rendition of Hotel California by The Eagles

Friday, October 2, 2015

i need to move

i don't know exactly where but wherever there are Muslim girls like these
yea...there's definitely none of them around this shitty area