Sunday, October 4, 2015

so...we got a bunny

our dog died last year. my sister's been begging for a new dog but despite being an adult, she's still a fucking idiot kid. and an idiot kid won't take care of a live creature properly. that's why if she does get 1, my mom would be the one taking care of it. but somehow she came home from work with a a bunny. a baby bunny that she found on the sidewalk near her job
here he (she checked, it's a male) is drinking kitten milk. motherfucker got some sharp ass teeth. it chewed off a chunk off the rubber nipple and spit out after it couldn't break it down. one thing is it's used to us so it's easier to hold but we underestimated how high it could jump because 3x now it escaped a box with the lids up and a huge plastic container. we have to put it under this basket and weigh it down. i took it into the bathroom once to keep an eye on it as it sat in the sink and next thing you know, poof! hopped out and hid...
i had to go to a pet store to try to find bells to put on it
motherfucker's slippery as hell. couldn't get it around the neck. for one, we're afraid of choking it. but once we got 1 knot and tried to do the 2nd, it slips right out. clever little's enjoyable having it around tho. hopefully we can raise it for awhile

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