Monday, October 12, 2015

there's a reason blonde jokes exist

relaying off the last post about P.J. Whelihan's...

i had a repair job there. showed up (just in case, P.J. is a bar, pretty decent one, too. never had their regulars but their wings are famous) to the podium with my big tool belt on around my waist, jeans, t-shirt, and work boots and spoke to the blonde hostess

me: hi, can i speak to your manager?
blonde: *tilts her head sideways sorta like when you say something to a dog* you need a job application?
me: ...
me: *thinking to myself* bitch, i just got paid more than you for the day just from this interaction we just had. why the fuck would someone with tools on them look for a job when it's clearly obvious that i'm working?
me: i'm here to fix your service

i know places like bars and restaurants hire pretty face, big titted chicks, mostly blondes to greet customers and all but c'mon. hire someone with at least some common sense or do their job and get the manager like i asked. and this is no way putting down hostesses or blondes, etc. it's just the experience doesn't really help the stereotypes of the person and type of establishments. i haven't stepped foot into there again, only their other locations

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