Monday, May 14, 2012

my presidential address

i've been tryin to gather my composure on this whole series and how it went down. i've also been tryna collect myself to comprehend the aftermath of it all. the fact that my Chicago Bulls went down swingin, was a proud moment. the fact that they lost by ONE point, was disappointin. but the audacity of Andre Iguodala sayin that they wanted more (than Chicago) is just utter BULLSHIT!

first of, the Philadelphia 76ers are an 8th seed. they never stood a chance. they Bulls knew it. the fans knew it. the media knew it. the experts knew it. the Sixers knew it. so when a string of unfortunate injuries plagued Chicago...all a sudden they think they're the 2001 Sixers *scoffs* please...
with the reignin MVP, Derrick Rose, out with a torn acl
our energetic center, the anchor, Joakim Noah, out with his ankle injury
Taj Gibson also injured his ankle...Luol Deng is playin with injured ribs and a torn ligament in his left guide hand for the entire season...and the startin lineup consists of 2 reserves and 3 starters, 1 of whom have been out more than in. so when you're tellin me that you wanted it more?! motherfucker, you're just an insignificant part to a whole team's pull together that took advantage of a depleted roster. you got away with a steal. be grateful, humble, and move the fuck on so the Boston Celtics can school you with how to make a legitimate championship run. i hate the cockiness of someone who's not even wanted in their own city.
granted, i'm not here sayin that the Bulls should've's the fact that they lost. period

we'll be back...stronger...better...championship ready.

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