Thursday, May 10, 2012

gotta love 'Merica!

so Yahoo! News had this neat lil' article on the front page about...get this...viewin child porn is OK!
let it simmer...
. first reaction is WHAT.THE.FUCK? my second reaction is...WHAT THE FUCK! apparently, the New York Court of Appeal ruled on Tuesday that viewin child pornography is A-OK ('not a crime' are their exact words). the rulin came from the case of a college professor James D. Kent who's computer was discovered with child pornography in it. (i wish i can find his picture but unable...). the defense was...that the images were CACHED and not actually on his hard drive, this professor who's in charged and trusted with providin valuable information and knowledge to eager students who's there to learn from the educated figure, somehow either watched  or "stumbled" on child porn site...didn't download or save anythin...just viewin underage children in a pornographic somehow not guilty of the act because the images were not physically attained by the user?

you know - this is just like the justice system and the American way. such a bunch of hypocrites, always tryna find a way out of situation, out of repercussion...never wantin to own up to the consequences. i'm sayin this because you know damn fuckin well that if some middle eastern person happens to go to some type of anti-America site or terrorist website and next thing you know, two men in black guys will show up at your door arrestin you for terrorism. but hey - the freedom to view the information highway is bein denied but breakin the laws by engagin in viewin child pornography is ok as long as you don't save it? what kind of fuckery bullshit is that?!

man, this is exactly why you got serial killers out and about and convicted rapists and molesters are around your kids...and when they do it again? same difference....fuckin bullshit i swear

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