Thursday, May 10, 2012

'Mericans so sensitive

this may seem like an anti-America segment but it's just a pure coincidence. i stumbled across an article about a new $20 bill from Canada is causin some type of "controversy"
yes, this new bill is stirrin up all this "uncomfortable" feelins amongst the US because of the background image resemblin the 9/11 incident. yes, we (includin me) understand the effect that it had on us. yes, it was truly tragic and unjust. yes, we will always remember the men and women who lost their lives in the towers and tryin to save those in the towers. however; we can't go fuckin cryin to every fuckin country who does somethin that somewhat in similarity to the towers. i mean, c''s just THEIR monument that's on THEIR bill
it's not like we'll be usin it often or seein it. so fuckin calm down 'Mericans...fuckin uptight muthfuckers cuz you know this isn't the first incident either. sometimes last year, Korea was designin i guess some type of buildin/dwellin units and when the models were released...the US got their panties twisted quickly
this magnificent architectural design is call The Cloud and it looks fuckin awesome. of course, it's very similar to the towers' incident but then IS called the CLOUD!
it's just a perfect symbolism for how the structure is design. i mean, you get the feelin of livin in the clouds because look how awesome the buildin is design! you can walk buildin to then again, the US could just be jealous they haven't thought of it first. i bet if this buildin was in the States, they would call it some type of "dedication" in it's memory. eh, whatever...'Merica *shakes head*

this was in South Korea btw, not North

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