Sunday, May 22, 2011

NOW i feel bad

more so frustrated...even though this pic looks great
how the Chicago Bulls played were not as equal. yeah, they weren't bad exactly...but 10+ turnovers?! c'mon now! fuckin inconsistency from EVERYONE...Deng, Asik, Noah, Brewer, Bogans, Korver, Gibson, Watson, and even MVP Derrick Rose and Carlos Boozer, regardless if he had 20+ points. they didn't look like the #1 defense and they sure didn't play like the #1 seed. fuck...but then again, not that it was the sole reason, the Bulls went to the line 7 while the Miami Heat went to the line 15 times within the partial 3 quarters. now, unless the Heat are playin some extremely precise defense...i HIGHLY doubt that they didn't foul any Bulls that few...but hey, maybe i'm the refs *shrugs*

BUT i do know that in a road game with the favorable calls against you, you MUST play even harder to overcome your opponents and the surroundins...and tonight, even though they came close within 3 points...they managed to blew it with turnovers and missed shots....

fuck this shit...sports' makin me stressed out and die quicker =\

Friday, May 20, 2011

guess i don't feel too bad

after the Dallas Mavericks superstar Dirk Nowitzki served the Oklahoma City Thunder up a whoppin 48 points, 24/24 free-throw shootin, 36/39 shootin made/attempt in the win in game 1, OKC came back today and they rallied behind Kevin Durant's massive dunk over the 7ft Brendan Haywood

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

drinks anyone?

well have some from these handy dandy...
...'COCTAIL' glasses of course

i saw this in 1 of my customer's basement...3 boxes of this in fact :)

i am now minus an arm and an injured leg

because that's the price i had to pay to get this fucker...
the original Marvel Universe Vision, not the clear variant...which was cheaper and easier to get...funny though how life works =\...thanks to eBay for the damages

i found him!

i found the Burger King King twin brother!
while King here was havin success in tv land...his brother was kickin it durin mardi gras!

right there in Showboat in Atlantic City...tsk tsk

Sunday, May 15, 2011


from the words of Chicago Bulls Carlos Boozer, who had 14pts, 9rbs, 4/4fts, ended game 1 in the NBA Eastern Conference against the Miami Heat. even though Derrick Rose said they were underdogs, despite havin the best record this season in the NBA, Loul Deng said @ the press conference, they have to think like champions, and they sure played like it. Rose didn't dominate with points but his pressence alone is a threat. with 28pts, 1rb, 5/6fts, and 6asts, Rose was able to find open players and hit the basket where it counts. everyone stepped up on the Bulls bench and it showed as the Bulls beat the Heat 103-82

pick ups from NY

not the trucks...but pretty nifty fitteds! :D
pick these 2 up @ the New Era flagship store...sweet!
this awesome thing was @ the Foot Locker in Times Square. it goes great with my Spizike!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

more Marvel!!

did a little tradin with a buddy of mine online...11 figures for these new Marvel Universe bad boys!! :D
that's Giant Man (Bill Foster) and Ragnarok (Thor's clone) and a frost giant with Loki :D

here's the 2pack of Wolverine vs Silver Samurai and Deadpool vs Taskmaster!!

last but not least...
the BLACK variant Ronin. the 1 of the left, the original grey, is comparison to the new 1 on the right :D! i love gettin the variants!!

more to come!!!

add on to previous addiction

i know have these followin figures!! :D
i still need the Series 1? or 6? Randy Couture in the red trunks...UFC Quintin Jackson, UFC Mauricio Rua, Jon Jones (he's comin, i know) and Matt Hughes


i don't know if you can tell...but that's a Lexus pizza delivery car. now, if you drive a Lexus, you shouldn't be deliverin pizza...or you could if you wanted. i guess it's the other way around; if you're deliverin pizza, you shouldn't be drivin a Lexus. hand me down or not, obviously the person isn't financially responsible and/or able to get their own car and if they did, horrible lifestyle decision.

Charles Barkley: just turr'ble

crazy tattoos

me and a coworker/good buddy of mine went to this adoption event held @ a tattoo parlor call Black Vulture Gallery in PA. we're both dogs lover and great tattoo enthusiasts. it was a pleasant experience...but what got my attention was goin through the photo albums of previous work done by the Black Vulture's artists...some of them were off the wall

yea...nothin says 'KILLADELPHIA' like it bein tatted on your inner lip...idiot


somethin sayin 'FUCK ...' on your gums...only way people'll see it if you pull out your mouth like the idiot you are to show em
now this is hard to see but it's actually a web inside the ear. now this, i can't be too angry but @ the same time i think..." why? ran outta spot?" maybe...

i just know that i don't think i'll get THAT crazy with mine...i would still like to retain some normalness...eek

Friday, May 13, 2011

bring on the Heat!

as the Chicago Bulls advance to the Conference Finals after winnin game 6 against the talented Atlanta Hawks. the Bulls will face the red hot Miami Heat as they came off a sweep (might as well) of the Boston Celtics in their game 5. even though the Bulls are the #1 seed in the Eastern, they're comin into this game as underdogs, which is understandable. the Heat do have 2x MVP in LeBron James and All-Star Dwayne Wade. shit...even I feel a little apprehensive. i don't know if current MVP Derrick Rose can carry the team through that much but if he had help like he did in game 6, points won't matter. in fact, Rose was gettin help from a sleepin giant in Carlos Boozer
in game 6, Boozer had 23 points, 10 rebounds, and made all his free throws and 10/16. beastin the court with the help of Rose's 12 assists; only 19 points that night, still tied the highest point player for Atlanta though

if Rose can get more effectiveness from Boozer, higher level of energy from Joakim Noah for 48 minutes, same consistency from Loul Deng and contribution from the bench, the Bulls are lookin @ the NBA Title soon...


Sunday, May 1, 2011

the Eagles drafted Clay Matthews

...not really. but the 2011 NFL Draft did concluded today and the Philadelphia Eagles came away with 11 draft picks. 1 of them, whom (is that right?) i've had my eyes on but forgot, is LB Casey Matthews, younger brother of the Green Bay Packers LB Clay Matthews

he's no Clay, but he does have the same bloodline so he should be as a disruptive force to other teams as Clay was to us :) sposedly undersized, but is smart and athletic. Casey should be in line to compete for the MIKE or possibly help out on SAM
other draftees included:
rd 2 - Jaiquawn Jarrett S
rd 3 - Curtis Marsh CB
rd 4 - Casey Matthews LB & Alex Henery K
rd 5 - Dion Lewis RB & Julian Vandervelde C
rd 6 - Jason Kelce G & Brian Rolle LB
rd 7 - Greg Lloyd LB & Stanley Havili RB

i don't understand the extra need for RB but maybe it's for leverage purposes...and draftin a K certainly means David Akers oughta be on his tip top toes in tip top shape