Sunday, May 22, 2011

NOW i feel bad

more so frustrated...even though this pic looks great
how the Chicago Bulls played were not as equal. yeah, they weren't bad exactly...but 10+ turnovers?! c'mon now! fuckin inconsistency from EVERYONE...Deng, Asik, Noah, Brewer, Bogans, Korver, Gibson, Watson, and even MVP Derrick Rose and Carlos Boozer, regardless if he had 20+ points. they didn't look like the #1 defense and they sure didn't play like the #1 seed. fuck...but then again, not that it was the sole reason, the Bulls went to the line 7 while the Miami Heat went to the line 15 times within the partial 3 quarters. now, unless the Heat are playin some extremely precise defense...i HIGHLY doubt that they didn't foul any Bulls that few...but hey, maybe i'm the refs *shrugs*

BUT i do know that in a road game with the favorable calls against you, you MUST play even harder to overcome your opponents and the surroundins...and tonight, even though they came close within 3 points...they managed to blew it with turnovers and missed shots....

fuck this shit...sports' makin me stressed out and die quicker =\

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