Tuesday, May 18, 2010

UFC 113: last of The Dragon perfection & Slice, sliced

well the much anticipated rematch between undefeated light heavyweight champion, Lyoto 'The Dragon' Machida, vs Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua...their 1st fight was heavily debated due tot he decision win of Machida over Rua...so it's figured that Shogun would come in heated over that lost and sure nuff, he showed it...knockin Machida out in the 1st round (:'()...i'm a fan of Machida if you can't tell...no excuse about it, Mauricio was the better fighter...he was more aggressive, always on the prowl, and most importantly - less mistakes. Lyoto did look uncomfortable throughout the entire thing and even though his unorthodox style is his signature, he did seem more, uneasily unorthodox...if that made any sense...so good for Rua

another fight that i wanted to see was the Kimbo Slice vs Matt Mitrione...bein a fan of Kimbo the street fighter, i never grew to be a fan of Kimbo the mma fighter...just cuz he never convinced me that he was built for the sport with lack of endurance and stamina. not enough experience in ground and pound, grapplin or submission...he showed that he couldn't go toe-for-toe with the former NFL player. Matt wore Kimbo out on the ground and eventually, Kimbo seems lifeless...just givin in and i was just WAITIN for the ref to come in and save him...tsk tsk disappointed

well - at the end, Dana White openly showed his disgust for the fight from Kimbo and state that Kimbo would probably/most likely never come back to UFC...and speakin of never comin back, Paul Daley, the English fighter, will be fired from the UFC for throwin an illegal punch to Josh Kocheck when he had his back turned...oh well

overall - not a bad event - better than last time with the main event. i hope that Lyoto can bounce back and regain his former mentality of his undefeated self...'til UFC 114: Quintin Rampage vs Rashad Evans!!! (B.A. vs Sugar)

you can check the full fights @ Examiner

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