Thursday, April 29, 2010

holy cow like a religious cattle...i'm a statistic!!

so i couldn't help but to go to Target, my favorite store, last Saturday the 24th and saw that there were empty shelves of where the movie Avatar was labeled...then it dawned on me, the movie came out the 22nd on Thursday!! *smacks forehead* of course! movies are ALWAYS released on Thursday..."dwoy"?! so that store turned out to be all out - not surprised..and yet somethin inside me urged me to go look for it...and of course, i can't turn down another opportunity to go to Target :D, i went to another Target :) and saw that this one was full of the movie (guess Deptford people don't like Avatar?) nevertheless, i picked me up one ($17.99! woo-hoo!) and..some other Target exclusivos. i finally got the chance tonight, yesterday, to watch it and here i am writin about it 4am...*sigh*

wow - the special effect, the landscape, the entire Pandora planet...visually stunning. it started off alil slow but it picked up...but i have to be honest, it was VERY predictable how it all paned out. i mean, it's James was gon get 2+ hrs of predictablity. nevertheless, the story isn't just long, it's very captivatin. with the details they put in the feels like you're learnin about an actual race.

the backgrounds - breathtakin...from the glowin plants and animals to the floatin mountains and massive plant the natives move around, speak, how they manouvers - incredible. due to the protagonist Jake's, played by Sam Worthington (Terminator Salvation, Clash Of The Titans) role in the movie, you were abled to understand the natives' culture and lifestyle. it explained their connection to the planet and devotion to it.

of course, every military, government, American hostile takeover must have a motive besides just wantin to "teach" the "aliens"...they were after some form of mineral that would make them rich called (lol) "Unobtainium", i'm pretty instead of gettin a portion, the government wanted all and where does it lie? underneath a giant ass tree, aka home to the Na'vi...and how do you think the army approached the situation? well by rational and peaceful methods of's not like they blew up the tree, ravaged the natives' homes, scorched the forest and tried to bomb the Na'vi's core connection to the that's silly and sooo not like them!

luckily for the people of Pandora, Jake here decides to become one of them after fallin in love with Neytiri, Zoe Saldana (Drumline, Pirates Of The Caribbean), daughter of the clan leaders...but not after he gave away all the information of the people to his lieutenant...YAY...somehow in the middle, i was curious to see what method does the people have to REALLY turn Jake into one of them..and thanks to Grace, Sigourney Weaver (Alien, Aliens), gettin shot and nearly dyin...the Na'vi unvealed some type of body switchin ritual but failed so due to her severed, there.

in the final moment, Jake gathered all the clans (12 i think) and fight against the army's fleet of giant gunships and movin artillery machines...he also had his moment "bondin" with the planet to ask for help, although feelin it was in nearin the end of the movie, all hope seems to be lost for the planet natives...and then KABLOWEE!! Pandora fights back!! oh my, never saw that comin...the land and air animals began to attack the ships and eventually bought them all down. BUT, it wouldn't last 2+ hours if the main bad guy dies early...predictabily, the colonel survived in a robot suit, came down and nearly killed Jake but was saved by Neytiri...

the movie ends with Jake transferrin form into his new body and it was 4am...overall, i give the movie A-...A for everythin: cinematography, characters, action sequences, designs, and details...the minus for the predictable plot...still an overall excellent movie. but man, the way they made Zoe Saldana...HOT! LOL somethin about her...maybe is a half naked cgi character? :( her whole persona, attitude, bravery - just...and it's not the 1st time they made a fictional character this nice...i forgot my example...but anywho: excellent movie, great casts, Zoe Saldana is my new female interest =), and it's 5am (the wifey will love this lol)

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