Tuesday, April 13, 2010

grinds my gears: Tweeter

tweet..tweeting...retweet...@ what?

i don't get Twitter...i made an account awhile ago to win some fuckin tickets to a Jay-Z event...and i wasn't even sure if shit worked...what the fuck is the @ shit before a name...do you write before the @ or after the @...i would think before makes sense, like "hey are you goin tonight @joeschmoe"...not "@joeschmoe are you goin tonight"...but then i see people put "i ate dinner @bettyidontcare how was yours"...does it work like that? how do you know if it worked? with so many celebs and people "tweetin" at the same time...how do you read em all? it's like textin online...only you get 300+ text every 3 seconds

sounds fun! i think i'll leave my untouched for now, 'til a new form of communication comes out...like a Quacker...so when i'll be quackin...you can follow my quacks...quack quack!


  1. I twit myself, I dunno about you. Get with it homie for ponies!
