Tuesday, June 22, 2010

grinds my gears: i'mma be...

...a murderer

because i was forced to listen to that fuckin Black Eye Peas song and the thought of hearin Fergie aka Stacy Ann Ferguson singin is bad enough but fuckin RAPPING?! it's bad enough she thinks she's "fergilicous" but fuckin rappin? she's fuckin horrible! went from singin in a female trio group to bein with, what i considered a sell-out group, she just gotten worse and worse with her attitude and appearances...regardless if Will.I.Am makes decent beats, their whole poppish, funk, retro rap and singin thing ain't doin it for me...specially havin Stacy Ann rap...


Friday, June 18, 2010

oldies night in all white

well...what a night (in reference to when we were actually there). good music, great food, Eagles players walkin around meetin and chattin with fans...people were enjoyin themselves in an environment where it doesn't feel like it's restricted access to these celebrities

move over prune juice

because this thing will do the same work for over a dollar...i swear, 10 out of 10 times i eat this Sausage Egg McMuffin, i head straight for the porcelain bowl...EVERY-TIME! just like this mornin...i exploded in there...whew...luckily it was close by...curse you McDonald's, curse you to hell!! *shakes fist*

Monday, June 14, 2010

UFC 115: out cold Iceman

two legends for the main eventof UFC 115...couldn't ask for anythin better. i'm a fan of Chuck "The Iceman" Liddell and am awared of who Rich "Ace" Franklin is...however, bein a fan of Anderson "The Spider" Silvia, i saw Silvia man-handled Franklin not once, but TWICE...so i gotta say that for this fight, my money woulda been on Chuck.
thanks again to Examiner for the vids...i saw that it was only 5+mins long..so SOMEBODY had to been knocked out in the 1st round...but as it draws under a min...still standin was Ace and Iceman. but sure nuff Chuck slipped and Franklin caught him on the chin and laid Chuck out cold...damn
congrats to Rich...with his rep and recent losses, he deserves this...hopefully Chuck can get himself together again for upcomin fights

wow...from William Paterson to Trey Songz

i used to go to William Paterson University for a semester in Wayne, NJ. durin my early stay, my roommate and i met up with our Resident Assistant and sorta grabbed somethin to eat from Domino's. she was pretty cool...pretty well noticed...and she was pretty involved with her boyfriend @ that time too as well...but that was like, years ago...so few years ago durin the time we sposed to graduate from WPU, i saw her Facebook sayin that she's modelin - cool. then she updated that she was gonna be in that John Legend's video, i forgot which one...a big step from just magazine modelin...and now as i was gettin my daily dose of MediaTakeout, article was about Trey Songz huggin and kissin up on his new chick...

i knew she looked familiar...and sure nuff, i looked her up again on FB and it turned out her profile pic was...

all i gotta say is - good for you Sophia!

UPDATE: guess i never really watched the video but Drake's Best I Ever Had video leadin girl was her too...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

so..i'm alil late for UFC 114, so what!

bathroom locks are there for a reason

...so that i won't have to see your grown ass squattin over a toilet early in the mornin. granted no graphic image was imprinted in my mind but just imagine what i COULD'VE experienced, i would rather prevent that. now...i shoulda/coulda knocked but i pushed the handle very slowly to see it was locked because people don't like to be rush knowin someone's outside waitin for em...STILL!
