Monday, March 16, 2020

COVID-19 & me

with the emergence of the COVID-19 (aka the Coronavirus), it's only fitting that i've decided to re-emerged. great way to correlate the 2...i supposed 😃

world wide panic. a flu-like pandemic. not gonna speculate where and/or how it got started but the main thing is: it's here on US soil. it's supposed to cause symptoms similar to the influenza virus, or flu. unfortunately it's happening during this flu season and i can't tell who has the flu or who has 'the rona'. everyone is afraid to cough, sneeze, and touch each other - rightfully so. however, in this time of "crisis", it never fails for society to overreact.

the main symptoms are shortness of breath, dry coughing, and fever. consequently, hand sanitizers and disinfecting products are all hoarded out. people are going as far as buying up masks and gloves...even when they were proven to NOT be effective to prevent getting it; only to prevent you from SPREADING it to others if you are infected. yet, morons are out and about looking like it's the black plague.

but for the life of me...i don't understand the fucking need for hoarding toilet papers!
maybe i missed the intricate detail of how the virus causes you to shit your fucking self uncontrollably. i just...don't...get it. Kay from Men In Black said it best:
just imagine if they actually exposed the facts about aliens...smh

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