Thursday, July 7, 2016

welp. there goes my Saturday

so UFC 200 is going down this Saturday. it's probably one of the biggest, stacked card EVER! you got the return of Brock Lesnar vs Mark Hunt, Bantamweight Champion Miesha Tate vs Amanda Nuñes, Cain Velasquez vs Travis Browne (which i hope Cain kick the wife-beating ass snot outta him), Jose Aldo vs Frankie Edgar, and interim Light Heavyweight Champion Jon Jones vs Light Heavyweight Champion Daniel Cormier. not to mention a loaded prelims...

alas, not all good things are meant to happen to me as late last night/early today, fucking Jon Jones was pulled due to testing positive by the anti-doping agency. they didn't say what...assuming some type of performance enhancing drug. so now the main card is a 3 round of non title contenders...sigh

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Switzerland v Poland

my mom is watching the Euro2016 soccer game between Switzerland and Poland. they showed a shot of the massive crowd in a sea of red and white. got me thinking...

Swiss: i'm going to show support by wearing red and white.
Polish: well i'm going to show support by wearing white and red!


Linkin Bark - Numb

just in case you haven't lived yet, here are awesome dogs covering Linkin Park - Numb. you're welcome...

i could be on YouTube all day...

Thursday, June 23, 2016

where's the lie?

yea, abs are nice...but have you ever had Chick-fil-A's peach milkshake?

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

tis the season

2 bites already. ..mosquitos are one species i wouldn't mind go extinct

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Goofy - Bring Me To Life

you haven't lived until you hear Goofy covering Evanescence - Bring Me To Life

with costume included. link to full song in description on YouTube

Monday, June 20, 2016

a moment with uncle

me *about to go to work at 11am*: alright, bye uncle
uncle: you think you'll be home early or late tonight?
(*side note: my work consists of whatever is given that day and stay until it's finished...and he knows this*)
me: uh, i  don't know. i haven't even gotten to work yet...

like i can tell the future. smh

Sunday, June 19, 2016

me af

is that so much to ask?

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

a moment with mom

mom: be careful leaving your food out. i saw on the news that there's this green worm thing that crawls on your food and...
me: really? where was this at?
mom: in Viet Nam.
me: ...*rolls eyes* i'm not gonna worry about a 3rd country parasite that will never make it's way to the US
mom: well i'm concerned. i put your food away!
me: ...

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Guardians Of The Galaxy: awesome scene

Gamora: we have to stop Ronin
Rocket: how?!
Starlord: i have a plan
Rocket: you got a plan?
Starlord: ..yes
Rocket: first of all, you're copying me when i said i had a plan
Starlord: no, i'm not. people say that all the time. it's not that unique of a thing to say
Rocket: secondly, i don't even believe you even have a plan
Starlord: i have...part of a plan
Drax: what percentage of the plan do you have?
Gamora: you don't get to ask questions after the nonsense you pulled on Knowhere!
Drax: i just saved Quill!
Starlord: we've already established that you destroying the ship that i'm on is not saving me
Drax: when did we established it?
Starlord: like 3 seconds ago!
Drax: i wasn't listening. i was thinking of something else
Gamora: ugh...
Rocket: she's right. you don't get an opinion. what percentage?
Starlord: i don't know. 12%
Rocket: 12%?! HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Starlord: that's a fake laugh
Rocket: it's real!
Starlord: totally fake
Rocket: that is the most real, authentic, histerical laugh of my entire life because that is not a plan!
Gamora: barely a concept
Starlord: you're taking their side?
Groot: i am Groot
Rocket: so what it's better than 11%? what the hell does that have to do with anything?
Starlord: thank you, Groot. thank you. see? Groot's the only one of you who has a clue
Groot: *eats leaf growing out of arm*

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

food for thought

2 things i don't trust:
-tap water
-people at the gym with muscular arms and a fat gut, or no calf muscles

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

mood music: Make A Deal

just Joe Budden linking up with half The A-Team, Ransom...

how you stop a nigga from leaving after the love is lost?
how you stop a nigga from bleeding after the blood is lost?
yeah, i got a couple of demons, don't get no one involved
yeah, i got some goals i'm achieving, nigga i want it all
the money's piling, i'm diving in it, i somersault
my stomach growling, i gotta get it, i'm coming for it
let's swap shoes, you can know how i feel
guess i'm just a little confuse, i don't know if it's real

Monday, March 28, 2016

dreams speak to you

and mine apparently wants me to die from choking on a ball of gum. wtf, dream?! what did i ever do to you? more like you did ME wrong by filling it up with all these fantasies like love, and interactions with people who are not in my life anymore, and success, and! who needs those!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

best comedy i've heard in a long time

i'm going to be talking to you about the phrase, "to kill 2 birds with 1 stone". we've all heard it. i've some issues with this phrase. firstly, who's going around throwing stones at birds? if you're going around killing birds with stones, you have issues. if you're going around killing birds with stones so often that you need a more time efficient way of doing it, that is an obsession. we're using the phrase wrong. we use that when we found an easy way of doing 2 things at once to save time. killing 2 birds with 1 stone isn't easy.

just take the physics if it.

you going to have to hit the first bird hard enough already. then, either the stone or the deceased bird, is going to have to ricochet onto the secondary bird. that's not a 1 stone job. if anything, you're going to miss a lot of more birds than if you're just trying to kill 1 bird. we should be using the phrase, "when you tried to do 2 things at once but it backfired horrifically". for example, washing your reds with your whites. you thought it would save you time, but instead you've screwed yourself there, and now you have to play cricket in pink. that's why the South African team did it back in 2011. they claimed it was for breast cancer awareness...when really, they were trying to killed 2 birds with 1 stone.

i'm not done yet.

now, you might think that was a weirdly dated reference for me to use and quite in congress from someone who obviously doesn't know anything about cricket. see what i did there was i typed the phrase, "play cricket in pink", into Google. it's what i do if a certain bit isn't good enough yet and i need to pat out my routine. also, i like to add another research to my stand-up so we all learn something along the way. essentially, i derived 2 benefits from 1 singular action.

now - you might be trying to think of some loopholes to make killing 2 birds with 1 stone easier. 1 loophole you might try: siamese birds. fair enough; they do exist. they found a couple back in Arkansas in 2008. however, if your strategy is to wait around for a set of conjoined twin birds, that is equivalent to going to a bar and waiting for siamese twins to show up if you're trying to have a ménage à trois. not an effective strategy, a threesome already quite difficult to obtain. you're going to have to attract 1 partner hard enough already. then, that sexual attraction is going have to ricochet onto the secondary partner. i don't know how sexual attraction works, but i do know projectile physics...and i assume they're the same.

another loophole you might asked, "what if it's a pregnant bird?" well then you're a moron because birds don't get pregnant. however, let's indulge that idea for a second. let's say a bird were clutching an unborn egg. you killed both the bird and the egg. does that count as killing 2 birds with 1 stone?


it's a gray area. turns out it's pretty hard to define when life starts for a bird. some say, it's when the egg is fertilized. other say, you don't count them 'til they've hatched. that's the slogan for the Avian Pro-Choice campaign by the way. the Avian Pro-Life campaign, their slogan's simply, "life starts at egg". fair enough. 2 sides to every argument, i say it's not my place as a non-bird, to publicly debate what is primarily a bird issue, in the company of exclusively non-birds.

finally, there is 1 good loophole i thought of. it's when you've seen a bird in a bush. you grab that bird, place it in your hand, and now it's worth double! so you bash it with a stone...and then, ladies and gentlemen, you have killed 2 birds with 1 stone.

-Ken Cheng

Monday, March 21, 2016

Thursday, March 10, 2016

you can't hide from me!

once i see you, you're dead! dead, i tells ya! you hear me?! no escaping! you're not faster than me...and you sure as hell ain't bigger. you can't fucking hide! i'ma get you every time! leave you laid out and drenched! i fucking hate you!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

instant ragret

i know i shouldn't have. i know i didn't want to...but a part of me did. however small that part was, it was louder and more powerful than the other part that told me not to proceed. i did it anyway. i wish i didn't. ..

nothing of the past were visible in those eyes. not an ounce remained. no remnants. it was like a, someone had an intimate vendetta against me, took their time implementing their scheme, and unleashed it after over a decade of being dormant. i mean, was i THAT blind? i pride myself in being aware; more awared than others. then again, was everyone around me blinded, too? this can't be real. ..yet, it is?

i try to move on. i AM trying to move on. i am moving on. i've MOVED on! ...or have i? my soul soaked the impact like a sponge when i seen it, now leaving me with this heavines...i thought. ..guess i thought wrong. but, but...i rarely miscalculate. is this just residual effects? i need to breathe. i need air. this will require time...yet i don't need space. my heart is beating so loud that anymore space than what i have right now will just be drums echoing this negativity. this doubt. lack of self worth. failure.

none of which i shall succumb to. i will right this ship. it's been done can be done again. i've been through the worst. this is just removing the gooey substances leftover from peeling the bandaid.

fact #3916

your #mcm has a side fade, modern day fuckboy look, driving a two-tone car with the music of someone rich blasting and his side panels rattling

*sips tea*

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

hope i'm doing this right

2nd time with a smoothie. this time i remembered the Greek yogurt; however, it made my shit look chicken shit gray. taste delicious tho...hoping to get some whey soon and add it. so far using: blueberries, strawberries, banana, spirulina, soy milk, Greek yogurt, and all natural peanut butter

Sunday, February 14, 2016

lol @ today

my #wce is prolly getting dicked down right now...smh 😅😂

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

the fuckery of the day

i wish i got a picture of today's fuckery but i drove by too fast. however it wasn't fast enough cuz it allowed me to saw this motherfucker...waiting at a bus stop...wearing a fur coat. A FUR COAT! now i'm no animal/fur activist, even though i don't agree to it. the motherfucker was on the curb, no ride, waiting for the bus...smh the crazy thing was his shit looks like it was made of cocker spaniels. yet i'm sure this bum could prolly pull more bitches than me...sad

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

fact #2916

your #mcm still waits for the bus in the snow

*sips tea*

Sunday, February 7, 2016

the girl of my dream

no, literally. this is her.

Monday, February 1, 2016

technology post-mortem

i'm at my favorite Asian restaurant, Phu Khang, for lunch. at my 2 o'clock was a Vietnamese couple, prolly in their late 30's, early 40's (we aged well, sorry i can't tell) sitting across from each other at a table for 4. the wife sat at the end seat towards the aisle while the husband sat diagonally from her towards the window. after their order was taken, they both proceeded to be on their individual phone and ignoring their partner until the food arrives...

if you don't see anything wrong with that then you must have your face glued to the screen as well. ironically i'm on my phone as i'm writing this but i haven't been posting for awhile now. i just feel that this advance technology age that we're living in not only affect the kids growing up but the older generation as well. i mean, you would RARELY see an older couple be engaged in smart phones. they seem to shy away from them due to their fear of the technology. yet, it was perfectly normal for a husband and wife to just sit there ignoring each other.

i know, i know, they may have great conversations at home or what not...but from what i can tell there alone? not really. i went out with my buddy and his girlfriend yesterday. they're both active online and such but he never once whipped out his phone. his girlfriend did so every once in a while but it wasn't obnoxiously noticeable. and it's the small factors like that i appreciate them greatly as friends. and trust me, i will be quick to tell people to put away their phone. we are adults. let's engage like adults; not robotic zombies

my first love...and i will admit it felt like my first love, despite the non mutual feeling...we used to chat online. in fact, it was opposite back then where technology actually made us closer. on top of that, she would get tired and tell me to call her. i would love nothing more than to be able to call her again today. however, i'm not her'd be weird to just call her when we can just text back and forth. until that day comes, i can just remember back then when i could just listen to her annoying self over the phone. even if she gets occupied by her background surrounding, it was worth talking to her. like, verbally. hearing the voice from someone you like does something to makes a difference.

maybe i'm old school like that. maybe i would rather hand deliver someone flowers at their door instead sending a gift. maybe i would like to call you when you're not busy just to hear you breathe...or in her case, yelling at me or telling me how cute her dogs are. ("isn't he kyoooote?!") no, you are. and i'm hoping one day she'll realize that...

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

it shouldn't have to feel like it...

waking up at a new age. the pain and soreness makes it feel like this new age thing is really taking it's toll on my body. luckily it was just my workout...hopefully. sadly it's not recovering as quickly as i hoped, but that's what i get for only having 1 rest day. i was barely able to squeezed out half my regimen; felt like a failure. i'll try to rest today. enjoy today. thanks weather God for having this nice ass sunny yet freezing my dick off day. beggars can't be choosers

1/3 down, 2/3 to go...h00t! h00t!