Friday, April 1, 2011

pic a plate: Longhorn Steakhouse, Cherry Hill, NJ

so obviously, it's not a "local" place...but i went there, so i'ma show it! it opened up not too long ago and i wanted to wait 'til the folks that never seen a steakhouse before had their share of rummagin through the restaurant so i can enjoy it without the family that brought their extended family and friends to experience a chain restaurant. funny thing is, we couldn't decide what to eat so we went not first choice. Longhorn Steakhouse in Cherry Hill, NJ
first thing first: appetizer. so we got this Western fries thingy...
YUMMY!!! fries, cheese, chili, bacon, jalapenos!! nuff said!

however, as heart-attacky as this plate was, her healthy salad looks delicious though

it's their signature salad which includes strawberries, grapes, pecans?, and spring mix...also, yummy

i decided to order their biggest steak, which is a 22oz porterhouse...they had a ribeye too but their biggest ribeye was bone-in...ugh...and the non-bone-in was like 12oz...ugh...

of course, i asked for medium well and the thing with a porterhouse steak get a filet and strip. the filet is of course a bit more tender than the strip so when i asked for medium well, it became a bit more well than i would like. consequently (yea you like that?) it made the filet lost it's tenderness...but it was still good though. the strip was cooked well...but like a bone-in steak, it was hard to cut it and towards the bone was even harder and chewier to eat

she had this trout topped with lobster and shrimp and some cream sauce...

it looks delicious. i thought the trout would taste like tilapia or somethin but it tasted more like drier salmon. the sauce with lobster and shrimp was alright. wasn't as big of a portion as i thought but it wasn't bad

after the appetizer (which we didn't finish, but more didn't WANT to finish) and my steak...i was fuckin stuffed. she wanted dessert and the picture made me want dessert too :)

Chocolate Stampede: 2 slice of chocolate cake with chocolate mousse and fudge, 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream, and whip cream = AWESOME! it was sooo good but we only finished 1 slice cuz it was just too much...

overall: 4/5 - i could get better steaks elsewhere but the whole experience was good though. only bad thing i can say happened was that we asked for a booth and another couple got the booth before us, and i played it off like they weren't but i'm 80% sure we were there first. even though we sat right after them, we sat in a half booth...oh well

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