Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Joe Budden - Whatever It Takes + lyrics

some songs need to be heard, and this is one of them

NFL players in tights

that's what it seems like to me everytime i watch the Baltimore Ravens put on their purple jersey and black pants...it looks like fuckin leggins...and same goes for the New Orleans Saints with their all black bottoms...it looks, weird...add some colors!!
you know, at least the Cincinnatti Bengals has the decency for stripes even with the tights-lookin pants

Monday, December 6, 2010


disturbinly hilarious

eek! @ the nose

last night game was between 2 AFC leaders: the Pittsburgh Steelers vs the Baltimore Ravens. and like every typical Steelers/Ravens game, it's low scorin and physical as shit. so yesterday was no different as the 1st play of the game, Ravens DE Haloti Ngata came through the middle and clocked Steelers QB Ben Rothlisberger in his nose, which made a bloody mess and resulted in this:
like the QB didn't have enough to worry about, he's already playin with a broken foot and against 1 of the top defense in the league....the Steelers did managed to win the game with a field goal over the Ravens, 13-10

you are what you eat

in this case, Josh Duhamel is prolly an ass...or so stories claimed. apparently he was such an ass that they kicked him off a plane for not turnin off his Blackberry...i guess. i don't know. all i know is that he dates Fergie, and i HATE Fergie...and essentially, i hate Josh Duhamel...except for in Transformers, i didn't mind his character :)

things don't always work out how you wanted

...well, sports-wise @ the moment...after that embarrassin loss to the Chicago Bears last Sunday where we were out-played and out-coached, the Philadelphia Eagles bounced back in a, i wouldn't call it a 4th quarter comeback, rally to beat the Houston Texans. the Texans did have the lead to start the 2nd half but TE Brent Celek made a spectacular play to extend the ball for a 1st down durin a 3rd and 19 play. the officials, doin the best job as always, marked him down before the line so good ol' Andy Reid tossed his red flag...with the encouragement and support of the entire stadium of course (yes, i was there encouragin!! :D)

so call reversed and QB Michael Vick threw a short TD pass to the left for FB Owen Schmitt to seal the win. the game ended around 11:30 for us and i didn't get home 'til almost 12:30 am...eek! but well worth it for the win, specially a Thursday game (boo!) that did lead to this Sunday bein a little stressed free and enjoyin some NFC football

i, and many Eagles fans, was hopin for a few things to happen yesterday:
-Dallas Cowboys to lose to the home team, Indianapolis Colts...but yet QB Peyton Manning struggled in overtime and they kicked a 40+ yarder and won it 38-35...boo!!
-New York Giants to lose to the Washington Redskins (highly unlikely, i know) so we can have sole posession of the NFC east but again, the Skins got blown out, 7-31
-Chicago Bears to lose to the Detroit Lions, again, another unlikely outcome and unlikely it was...even though the Lions came closer than the Skins
-Green Bay Packers to also lose to the San Francisco 49ers but...GB have Aaron Rodgers and SF has
-New Orleans Saints to lose to the Cincinnati Bengals but that's also unlikely, not highly, but unlikely since Terrell Owens is a fag and the Bengals are goin nowhere :)
-last is the reignin NFC leader, the Atlanta Falcons to lose to the Tampa Bay Bucaneers, which was close, but no cigars...arrr!

so there you have it...i can't expect everythin to go smoothly in life...shit happens. it sucks, but i'm dealin with it. i'm hopin it'll all work out soon but i know my position. so does the Birds, and that's half a game on top of the NFC east...leaders are N-Bears, S-Falcons, E-Eagles, W-Rams (yes, the St. Louis Rams)

g'luck next week against Dallas! VENGEANCE!