Saturday, October 9, 2010

bullyin and beyond

i woke up this mornin to an article on Yahoo! about a teenage Croatian girl who committed suicide. this high school in Ohio is facin it's 4th suicidal death within 3 years and it's all over one reason: bullyin
not to take it as a joke...^^...but i'm just tryin to make sense of these situations
-the recent incident with the death of the Croatian girl; she was made fun of because she's a foreigner with a thick accent. ewsflash: it's 2010 and foreigners are everywhere in this country. this is what happens in small towns. they're so secluded from the outside world that anythin different from the typical norm is considered to be okay to poke fun of, ridicule or even to the point where they harrass them physically. why? what's wrong with a native person of a country havin their own dialect? what's so funny about that? if you don't have the proper upbringin with manners and're let loosed into society with pure ignorance and the inability to adapt and the mindset of a bigot
-the 2nd situation was from a boy, same school, who just so happens to like to wear pink. he was bullied to the point where he ended up killin himself. after repeated attempt by family member to askin the school to intervene and friends tryin to help him...the result was inevitable. now was it because he likes pink while boys don't think it's right? or was it because they thought he was gay? either way - what's the problem? regardless of any personal's views on's no one's rights to be aggressive in malicious ways to them. accept it or not, these feelins need to be dealt properly within this small town, because the real world won't stand for it and nor will there be an entire flock of people engagin in any hainous acts
-there was a friend of the boy who killed himself, who also killed herself in a similar method. apparently she suffered the fate of bullyin as well. she died with the picture of the boy next to her with a caption that read R.I.P. on it...
-and another girl died from an anti-depressant overdose that she took from her mom. she wasn't too pleased with goin to school but her mom made her anyway...i guess the bullyin @ school was too much to the point where she felt that anti-depressant pills were necessary...
i'm not about blamin it all on the kids @ school, which is mostly responsible...but the bullied kids need to understand that they need to build a stronger sense of confidence, thicker skin and be able to focus pass that. you can't let people like this get to you...people like that obviously have no trainin @ home so they lash out @ others because their backgrounds are just as messed up as their lives. high school is an obstacle course that needs to be overcome before you can journey out and discover how strong of a person you really are

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